// 13 //

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I dumped my bag on the sofa as I entered the house. It was all quiet so I assumed my parents were at the store. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see the text from Zach.
You're coming to Bryce's tonight, right babe?
I sighed as I slumped down onto the couch cushions and pocketed my phone, ignoring the message.
*          *           *

"Hey, put that phone away." Hannah said, with a triumphant laugh as she snatched the device from me.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I protested, throwing a pillow at her as she sat on my phone.
"Movie night, Melanie. Sisters over Misters." She added. I smiled fondly at her as she turned back to the rom com that was on the screen. I watched Hannah as she laughed and mouthed the words to her favourite parts. I didn't know then how precious those moments would become.

*          *          *
I jumped up as the front door shut loudly. I blinked. The living room was dark and I was curled up on the couch with an aching neck from where I'd been lying awkwardly.
"Mom?" I asked hesitantly.
"Hey, Mel." She said as she walked through to the kitchen.
"Aren't you doing anything tonight?" She asked as she walked over to the drinks cabinet. I watched her warily as she pulled out a bottle.
I then remembered Zach and pulled out my phone. I groaned as I saw the missed calls and messages.
"No, I'm just going to go to do my homework and go to bed early. I'm exhausted." I sighed as I stood from the couch, waving at my vacant mother.
*           *           *
"Stay right there! Melanie, Call the police!" I frowned and rushed down the stairs quickly, almost tripping in my haste.
"Mom? What happened?" I asked worriedly.
"Mrs Baker, I knew Hannah." I felt my jaw drop as I recognised Clay's voice.
"What the - ?" I began as my Mom invited him in.
"Thanks." I sighed as I looked out into the toilet papered front yard, seeing Clay clutching the large amount he'd managed to pick up.
"It's fine." Clay replied quietly as he took a seat.
"Hannah didn't have many friends. It's nice to finally meet one." Mom said as she sat opposite us.
"Clay was it?'
"Yes. Clay Jensen."
*          *          *
I sat awkwardly on the sofa across from Clay as my Mom questioned him.
"Did she ever talk to you about any of her experiences at school?"
"Experiences?" He asked.
"I mean did she ever say anything to you that would have indicated that she might have been mistreated or bullied in any way?"
"I - uh... We didn't really talk about that kind of thing I guess. Maybe I was more of an aquaintance than a close friend." He explained and my Mom nodded sadly before letting out a sigh.
I watched Clay carefully as he nervously crossed his hands over his bag and my eyes widened warningly. I knew that the tapes were in there. Clay seemed to be deep in thought when suddenly my phone buzzed and interrupted the silence. His head jolted up and he looked shocked.
"Sorry." I apologised as I looked down at my phone.

Babe, where r u?

I sighed as I read Zach's text.

Not feeling great. Have fun.

Then as an afterthought I said,

Not too much fun though.
*        *         *
So yeah, we kind of lost track of the plan. But it was so nice, having a new friend.
*          *         *
Clay excused himself to go upstairs and I followed him a few minutes later.
He was stood outside my door glancing in at the two beds, one by the bookcase with messily thrown covers and the other opposite the window with neatly folded covers that hadn't been touched in weeks.
"Sorry, I just got turned around on my way back from... This is Hannah's room?"
"Yeah... And mine." I walked in and sat on the bed. Another shadow was thrown across the carpeted floor as my mother walked up behind Clay.
"He knows that already. I saw you. I thought you looked familiar. I saw you standing outside that window. "
Clay stumbled embarassedly over his words,
"I was just uh..."
"No it's okay. I'm not angry." She said. "Maybe we could help each other. You must have questions."
"Actually its getting late Mrs Baker..." He said awkwardly.
"No, no please, Clay I'm just trying to peice things together."
"My parents are expecting me home." He began to back away.
"We never got a note." Mom stated bluntly and I looked up from the printed bed covers that I was staring concentratedly at.
"God, Mom." I huffed, pushing past her gently to grab Clay's arm. I pulled him downstairs and out of the front door onto the porch.
"I-I'm sorry. I know your mad at me but - " He stuttered and I shook my head, looking past him down the dark silent street.
"I'm the one who should be sorry. And why would I be mad?" I asked.
"For, well, because... I liked Hannah and - "
"Clay, seriously?" I scoffed. "I was just annoyed because... I saw in that moment, I don't know this is going to sound stupid. I saw a better life for Hannah. One with friends who loved her and a good, kind guy like you to love her. But that'll never happen. Not anymore."
I looked back at Clay who's face was frozen with some complex mix of emotion.
"You should go. Preferably before the Mother of doom returns." I managed to crack a small smile as Clay nodded, grabbed his bike and rode off  hand in farewell as he cycled down the road.
*         *         *
It's hard to say exactly how things turned but... Let's just say, that night, things escalated quickly. And while Courtney clearly didn't hear my stalker arrive, I did. And thankfully, I found a way to kill two birds with one stone. Remember when I said you wouldn't beleive the skeletons Tyler found?
Turns out they weren't mine. They were Courtney's. I guess we all have secrets. And nobody likes it when their secret gets out.
Funny thing is, no one ever found out it was us. That whole fall everyone looked at that picture. I'd imagine some boys more than once. But no one ever knew who it was. Well now you know. Like I said, we're a society of stalkers. We're all guilty. We all look. We all think things we're ashamed of. The only difference is Tyler... You got caught.
*         *         *
"I mean we came here to get away from the fucking Walplexes... And... And now, they've not only followed us, but they're stealing our customers." Dad complained as he sat at the head of the table.
"Walplex isn't the reason they're not coming in Andy" Mom said, looking at him tiredly. "They're scared of us. Can't face us. What can we do!"
"We could fight." He proposed, "You know take on the monolith. We have the pictures from the bathroom, the list. And if that is not enough we have to let them know that this is not a senseless tragedy. They have to know that there are reasons why this happened." His voice faltered and he let out a harsh breath,
"That our little girl has a face. And a name."
"Okay. Okay. " Mom clutched his hand and kissed it as Dad placd a hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair.
*         *         *
Thing is, even though Tyler stopped coming around. I never stopped feeling afraid. So what could I do after that? First the school, then my house. Even my own bedroom. Nowhere was safe. You took all that away. You made me paranoid Tyler. So now, I'm giving that to you. Maybe I'll never know why you did what you did. But I can make you understand how it felt to be me. That's why I'm outside your window Tyler. And after they hear this, I bet I won't be the only one. Knock knock, Tyler.
*        *         *
After I headed upstairs from dinner my phone beeped. I looked at it to see a naked picture of some guy. It was from Clay. I knew instantly who it was. This was Clay's revenge.

A/N Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. School sucks...
More Zach and Melanie in the next chapter which will hopefully be up next week. Still need a ship name for them.
Idk, anyways comment what you think,
Lucy xx

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