Chapter Ten

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Kise, Ritsu, and Kuroko were planning the trip for the weekend, which was in a couple days. They thought and went through the two types of trips, then choose the mountains, which they would have to take a plane, then drive the rest of the way. They also looked at the weather and how busy it would be, as well as other things.
"Wow.. the weekend looks perfect." Kuroko says with a smile. The other two agree with a nod, the child giggling happily. Kise hugged them both telling them how happy and excited he was.
Unfortunately, Kuroko's phone rang, breaking the happy moment between the three men. He sighed and grabbed his phone.
"Please excuse me, I'll be back out in a moment." He bowed his head and walked into his bedroom. He answered it and put it up to his ear, "Hello?"
"Hello Kuroko-sensei. I apologize, I know you are on your vacation, but a class trip came up and we need extra help at the school."
"I see.. I was planning on a trip of my own, but I'll stay if I must. I need a break from my boyfriend anyways and Ritsu needs to bond with him more." He says, frowning and rubbing his forehead.
"Yes please, I apologize but the subs are all super busy or not available." The woman on the other line shuffled a bit, then spoke again. "Ah, hold on a moment." The phone was put on a waiting list as the woman clicked the incoming call. "Excuse me, I have to put you on ho-" SHe was cut off by a dark, clear, and stern voice.
"This is Akashi Seijuro. I need a certain teacher to come to my home to help me better understand what my child is going through. I heard they are close as student and teacher, I would like to know more about him. Ah, please don't tell him who I am, just give him the address, time, and what he needs." Before the woman could speak, he hung up, not even saying any type of farewell.
She gulped, checking the address and times before reconnecting with Kuroko.
"I apologize for that Kuroko-sensei. I actually have a more important job for you. A parent wants to know if you can come and do a home visit, he is worried about his daughter."
Kuroko had sat on the bed and, of course, became worried as the parent was 'worried' for his child.
"I'll do it, what are their names and address to the home?" He grabbed his notepad and a pen, clicking the bed to a ready position.
"Unfortunately, the parent wants to remain anonymous. But, their address is *** ******, *****." She says, tapping her fingers against the table in a rhythmic way. Kuroko wrote it down, then gave a soft sigh as he stared at it. It seemed awfully familiar, he just couldn't put his finger on it.
"Thank you, I'll get it done." he says with a sigh, placing the notepad to the side. He then said a goodbye, waiting till the other hung up. He stretched and rubbed his head before heading out into the dining room, where Kise and Ritsu were chatting excitedly about the trip. He gave a soft sigh, forcing himself to step forward and tell them the news, but he won't let that bring them down. Kise looked up and gave a soft smile.
"Is everything okay Tetsuya-cchi?" He asks, gesturing for the other to take a seat. THe bluenette did so and looked at both of them, then gave a soft smile, which had some sadness.
"Unfortunately, I cannot come on the trip, but I want you both to go on it. I have to do a house check and talk to a parent of one of my students." Kise frowns and sighs, Ritsu's lips part and he looks down, clearly disappointed.
"Ah.. We don't want to go without you Tetsuya-cchi.. It'd be a shame, especially after all this planning we did." Kise says with a frowns glancing towards RItsu. The young boy then looks up, his emerald eyes meeting Kuroko's sky blue ones. He then spoke out shyly, his voice a little scared to speak up, considering he was beat at his older home.
"I... I want to g-go out with K-Kise-kun on thhh... the trip." he says, his sentence broke from his stuttering.
He rubbed his hands together, glancing away once and awhile, but kept his eyes connected to the blue eyes. Kise blinked in surprise himself, then looked at Kuroko who had a kind, gentle smile on his lips. The bluenette spoke up, giggling softly.
"Now, what do you say to that Ryota-kun?" Kise looked between them before chuckling softly and covering his mouth.
"Now I have two boys I must take care of," He gave a soft laugh, leaning against the back of the chair. Ritsu blushed a faint pink color before standing up and throwing a fist into the air.
"Let's get ready!!" He then pattered off into his room, closing the door quietly. Kuroko and Kise laughed together, grinning happily.
"I love him so much," they so in unison before Kuroko took a seat across from Kise. Kise looks at Kuroko and asks;
"So, what parent needed your assistance?"
"Well, the parent wanted to remain anonymous so I stay honest." He replies.
"You are honest. I also don't like the anonymous thing. I have a gut feeling something will happen."
"Ohh, everything will be fine. Don't be such a worry wart." He says with a soft chuckle. Kise sighs and shakes his head, crossing his arms in amusement.
"Coome on Tetsuya, don't be mean," He says, smirking a little, "Will I have to punish you?"
Kuroko got a major till from this, he felt like those eyes were buried in the back of his skull, that hot breath on the nape of his neck, that seducing voice in his ear. He closed his eyes, slowly drifting off into his thoughts, those warm lips pressing against his neck, hands sliding up his shirt, it pressing against him.
"Tetsuya-cchi!" The said male snapped out of it, looking over at the blond standing next to him. "Are you okay? You started to suddenly space out."
"A-ah.. yes, I apologize, I must be tired." He said with a smile, trying to forget the short flashback. Kise frowned and hugged Kuroko, then kisses his head.
"Then I'll pack so Ritsu and I can live tomorrow." He says soft, smiling a bit. "I'm going to spoil him!" Kuroko jabs Kise's side, staring up with his orbs.
"You will need to know some things about Ritsu." Kise held his side and nodded as they both headed into the bedroom to pack and talk things out.

It was a sunny day and the sky was clear, the airport was crowded like usual and RItsu was clinging to a blond tightly. Kise grins and kisses Kuroko, then Kuroko kisses Ritsu's head gently. The young boy blushed softly, then kissed Kuroko's cheek.
"Be safe you two. Text or call me if anything happens, I want to make sure my two boys are safe." The bluenette told them as their flight was called.
"We will Tetsuya. I'll make sure RItsu is safe and sound!" Kise says with a cheery grin before giving one last peck, Ritsu spoke up right as Kise was about to turn to go to the terminal.
"I-I'll make sure Kise-kun is s-safe and not ch-cheating!" Kuroko laughs softly and kisses the young boy's cheek, then winking at Kise.
"I'm sure you will." Kuroko waves as the two important people in his life rush into the terminal and head out to their flight to their vacation. He exhaled before heading off to his car, which was actually Kise's.
He got into it before pulling his phone out, then the notepad. He typed the address into google, pulled up GPS and started to drive from the airport. He watched the streets and was careful on the road, making sure not to break any laws or to run into anything, but as he drives, he started to recognize the area, the few houses, the large properties the houses were located in, everything about it. He then pulled into the house- Mansion and parked, he then opened the door and looked at the mansion before his eyes widened as he recognized the house.
"This is..." HIs mouth froze as he felt a strong presence from the door as it opened, revealing his fiery hair and his two ruby eyes. The taller male smiled kindly and held out his hand, Kuroko's legs coming forward to him.
"Hello Kuroko-sensei, I'm glad you could make it." Kuroko nodded in response and placed his hand in Akashi's, then the redhead pulled him inside gently, the door closing, a soft click after, but there was no attention from the two males as they climbed the stairs.
"Now Akashi-san, what is it you needed to talk about?" Kuroko asks as they enter Akashi's office, which used to be Akashi's father's. The redhead closed the door and gestured to the spot by the desk.
"Please, stand for a moment. Ah, about my daughter.." He walked behind Kuroko, then wrapped his arms around him, his aura quickly changing. "She isn't important." Kuroko gulped as he felt the hug, then the aura.
"But your daughter is the rea-" He was cut off by a sudden kiss, which quickly turned to tongue to tongue action, rubbing against each other. Kuroko dropped his bag, the papers spilling, then he gave a soft whine, hands gripping onto Akashi's shirt. He slowly felt weak as Akashi pulled away, saliva connecting their lips, hot air between them.
Akashi smirked as he kept Kuroko close, he spoke in a low, sexy voice as Kuroko's eyes closed.
"Sleep my love, we'll live together forever.. I will never let you go."

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