Chapter Six

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Kuroko opens his door, sighing seeing another flower arrangement. He picks the flowers up and walks inside, shutting the door behind him. He placed the arrangement with the other gifts and flowers he had received the past few days. He grabs the card and reads it, smiling softly.

My dearest Tetsuya,

Here is an arrangement that couldn't compare to the beauty you hold.

-Akashi Seijuro

He put the note in a small box with the rest, shaking his head as he mumbled to himself.
"It's nice, but I can't accept them, but I can't exactly give them back. He will only inccest I take them back." He scratched his head before he felt little arms around his legs.
"Morning Daddy!" Ritsu giggles as he looks up, then the pile of presents. "What will Kise-kun say about this?" He looks back up at Kuroko.
"He will probably huff and talk to Akashi-kun. He is overprotective after all, especially if someone is flirting with me." They both chuckle before the phone rang. "Ah, how odd." He picks up the phone and answered it, saying 'hello, Kuroko residence.' The overly cheery and loving voice spoke loudly.
"Tetsuya-cchi!! I'm almost home! Be prepared to see your handsome boyfriend in uniform!" Kise says cheerfully, boiling with excitement. Kuroko gasps in surprise, walking over to the calendar to read when Kise was supposed to come over.
"You're coming home early!" Kuroko says excitedly, as well as happily. His mind completely forgot the fact all the presents were still in the corner. m
"Yep! I'll be a couple hours, but it will be worth it to see your loving face! Ah, I must go. Bye Love~" Kise hung up quickly, Kuroko chuckling as he turned to a waiting Ritsu and kneels down.
"Guess who is coming in a few hours?" Ritsu smiles happily, Hugging kuroko as he jumped slightly in excitement.
"I can't wait!" Ritsu giggles as he looks up, "I should hurry and get going then. Mrs. Fujioka wanted me to come over and make paper cranes for a wish." Kuroko smiles softly, placing a hand on the brunettes head.
"That sounds fun. Why don't you do that and make sure to be home in a couple or few hours." RItsu nods, opening the door and leaving to his neighbor's home. Kuroko smiles, standing up as he looks at the gifts.
He remembers the time Akashi did the same thing before. They had an argument and Kuroko broke up with the redhead, hiding in his house for a couple days or ignoring the redhead in general. He was showered with gifts and vanilla milkshakes, the best lunches, and loving letters and notes. THey eventually got back together.... But once Kuroko made the choice to break up for good, it didn't go well with Akashi. Kuroko touches his chest, where the scar is, mumbling to himself.
"Why did you lie back then Seijuro..." He sighs and turns, looking up to meet a broad chest. He looks up, his eyes widening as the voice spoke.
"I did it to protect you. To jade my heart and yours so you wouldn't be in pain anymore." The smooth hand cupped the soft cheek as the cat like eyes stared back at Kuroko's slightly frightened blue ones. Kuroko moved back, making the redhead's hand twitch.
"How did you get in here Akashi-kun? Or should I say... him." Akashi smirked, moving with Kuroko.
"Your sweet little boy let me in, he seemed excited about something and ran off." AKashi says as Kuroko's lower back hit the counter. Akashi's hands grabbed the edge of the counter on Kuroko's sides, making escape difficult.
"Akashi-kun. Please move back and leave, I am busy as I am sure you are." Kuroko tries to tell the redhead off, but the golden eye glinted dangerously.
"Tetsuya." Commanding and lustful, " I will show that blonde you are still mine.. Mine alone." Kuroko's eyes widened as he looks at Akashi, shivering as he remembers who this man is. THis isn't the Akshi he came to love, this is the evil one. The one who ruined everything, hurt Kuroko in the worst way imaginable.
"No..No! Let me go!" Kuroko pushes and punches Akashi's chest in a fit to get away, but failed as he was pulled into the vary same chest, dragged into the bedroom and pinned onto the bed. Kuroko struggles, tanking and attempts to kick.
"Now be a good boy Tetsuya.. You don't want me to hurt your little boy and the blonde, do you?" AKashi smirked wildly as Kuroko stops, staring wide eyed at Al Kashi. The redhead pulled Kuroko's shirt off, revealing the scar along his chest. The redhead ran his cold fingers across it, chuckling.
"No, don't touch me." Kuroko says weakly, closing his eyes in attempt to say, "It is only a dream." Akashi only kisses the scar, humming sadisticly as he continued the kisses...

Kise skipped happily home, unknowingly passing the redheaded male on the way up the stairs. He noticed Ritsu, smiling happily.
"Ritsu-cchi!" The brunette looks over, running and hugging Kise as he was picked up and spun around, tightly.
"I missed you suu~" He squeezes Ritsu tightly, grinning before he looks around. "Where is Tetsuya-chhi?" He tilts his head as he looks at the brunette.
"He is at honor. I was at Mrs. Fujioka's home." Ritsu explains, looking at Kise. The blonde walks over to their apartment and opens the door walking in as he calls out.
"Tetsuya-cchi!?" He walks in, hearing slightly sniffles and short breaths coming from the bedroom. Ritsu got down, Kise slightly helped the boy to the floor. The brunette ran into the bedroom before talking could be heard. Then Kuroko yells.
"Ritsu! Get out!" The said male ran out, tears in his eyes as he hugs Kise's legs.
"What is it?" Ritsu shakes his head before pulling away and points to the door.
"D-daddy looks hurt." Kise's eyes widened as he tells Ritsu to stay out while he walks in. Kuroko was huddled under the sheet, once Kise spoke softly he looks over.
"Tetsuya...what is wrong?" Kise softly places a hand on Kuroko's head before the bluenette hugged Kise tightly.
"A-Akashi-kun came here...H-he." The sheet had fallen off, revealing hickies placed across his back and shoulders. Kise assumed there was more, his eyes trailed downward to Kuroko's bottom.
"I'll kill him...I won't ever forgive him." Kise pulls Kuroko tightly to his chest, as Kuroko cries silently. Soon enough, Kuroko pulls away, wiping his eyes.
"Thank you Ryouta-kun. I'm sorry you had to come home to this, not my smile." Kuroko looks at Kise who cup the pale cheeks.
"No problem. I'll make you smile!" Kise smiles cheerfully as he kisses Kuroko lovingly. Kuroko smiles in the kiss, chuckling afterwards.
"You always put a smile on my face." They both chuckle before the brunette came running in, climbing on the bed.
"Daddy! Kise-kun! I want kisses too." He pouts as he holds out his arms. Kuroko and Kise wrap an arm around the small boy, kissing both of his cheeks. Ritsu blushes embarrassed, covering his face.
This scene looked like something out of a family magazine or movie. And it was true, but something was wrong with this picture...what was it?

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