Chapter Seven

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The next few days, Kuroko, Kise, and Ritsu stayed home to hang out there. Today RItsu was getting ready to go to Akashi's, for a sleepover with Haruka. Kuroko pulls the coat on Ritsu, making sure the zipper was up and to put a little bit of sunscreen on his cheeks.
"Remember to mind your manners. Ryota-kun will drive you there, but will only stay for a bit. I want you to brush your teeth, brush your hair, and put your pajamas on before you sleep. And make sure you do not do anything to Haruka-chan, don't even kiss." Ritsu giggled, nodding as he hugged Kuroko tightly, speaking lovingly as he grinned.
"I love you Daddy. I'll be home soon so don't be sad. This way you can have a date with Kise-kun!" Kuroko flushes slightly, chuckling at his son's silliness. He then looked over as Kise walked over, he smiles at the bluenette, then the brunette.
"Ready to go?" Ritsu nods and grabs his bag, slinging it over his shoulders. Kise smiles, turning to Kuroko as he leaned down and kissed him, gently. "I'll be home in a flash." He winks flirtingly before he felt a tug at his hand, at which he looked down at the young boy.
"Hurry Kise-kun!" He says, a grin on his face as he pulled this time, making both of the adults giggle, Kise follows as they all said their goodbyes. This left Kuroko alone in the large apartment, he falls to his knees, tears running down his cheeks, his hands moving quickly to stop them. Trying to wipe them didn't get him anywhere, this made it worse as he thought about Ritsu and Kise, how bad this will be because he let them go alone.
"Please.. don't hurt him Ryota." He spoke in a whisper, his legs moving to the front of him, his knees at his chin as his arms wrapped around his legs. He cried silently, his cries echoing throughout the room, alone, no other sound could be heard.

~To the Akashi Mansion~

Kise pulls up to the manor, driving up the overly long driveway to the front. He parks the car before turning to Haru, who was in the back seat.
"Ready?" Ritu nods happily in response, unbuckled and pushes the door open with a grunt. Then, hops out, pulling him bag with. Kise gets out easier, being a full grown adult, well, at least that's what he thinks. He reaches out and grabs Ritsu's hand, walking up to the doors, which on cue, open to reveal a surprised looking Akashi, and a excited looking Haruka.
"E-ehem. Welcome, Kise, Ritsu." Akashi gestures them inside, following after they did. Haruka took Ritsu's hand, chatting excitedly before the young boy turned to Kise. He then hugs the blonde's legs.
"I love you Kise-kun. Take care of Daddy!" He grins before following the giggly girl up the stairs and to her bedroom. Kise smiles, watching as he went up the stairs. But once the two disappeared, he looks at Akashi with a deathly glare as well as aura. Akashi smirked, turning his entire body to him.
"Hello Ryota. I was expecting my Tetsuya, but you just had to come. How did he like our love making?" He says, his eyes turning gold by the moment.
"Shut up. You raped him! It was not love making!" Kise says, grabbing Akashi's collar, pulling him close. "I'll kill you. I'll fucking kill you!!" He raises a fist, about to punch the redhead, but failed as he was tripped onto the floor. He gasps and coughs, yelping softly as he was kicked in the side. He grabs Akashi's ankle and brough him down, pinning him to the floor, rage blinding his thinking. They fought for a bit, Alashi managing to push the other off.
"Get out. I want you to go home to my Tetsuya and make sure he feels happy.. go." He ordered, turning and heading up the stairs, smirking deeply as he thought about his plan. Kise 'tsks' and leaves, getting into his car and slamming the door, then hits the wheel, yelling in frustration.
Once Kise cooled off, he headed back home, taking a deep breath. He drived through the packed traffic and to his home. He parks the car and leans back, placing his arm against his eyes.
"What is he planning? I know that grin..." He speaks to himself, relaxing as he turned the car off. He then got out of the car, then heads into the home. "I'm home!" Kuroko turns to Kise, smiling, his teared dried and gone.
"Welcome home." Kise walks up and gently presses his lips against Kuroko's. Then hugs him tightly.
"Thank you Tetsuya-cchi. Let's have a good night." Kuroko nods and hugs back tightly, relaxing in his embrace. He hoped nothing bad will happen, he loved this happiness, this was what they wanted. Akashi and Kuroko planned this when they were together, but now it's true, but with Kise instead. Is that why it felt off?

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