I take a step back and hold my stomach. I can only imagine the pain Niall went through. The slashing of the knife against his wounded bruises. And his bruises being punched over and over again. His lip tearing open from a punch. Zayn must've notice I wasn't feeling to well because he put his hand on my back and rubbed it in circles.

"You alright love?" He leans over with desperate eyes and his face looks so full of care and compassion. One that would make a girl go crazy and jump into his arms. It's not everyday you find yourself thinking about your kidnapper like that.

"I um-"

"I'm going to take her to my room. She's not feeling well." Zayn announces and his friends grunt, not paying any attention. Zayn puts his other hand on my shoulder and turns me around to walk where his room is. I don't feel well at all. Not only because of the sight. But because of everything. First being the pain Niall went through, second, me forgetting everything that has happened. My mum is probably worried sick and I haven't even kept in contact. I can't keep in contact. And third, where I'm at. The position I'm in. In living with my kidnappers, feeling weird shit towards one. Getting almost killed by my ex. And now, now I don't even know.

We make it to Zayns room and I go straight to the bed. I lay my face into the pillow and I can't help but let the stinging tears flow. What am I doing with my life? 'Look where you got yourself.' My moms voice plays in my head as curl my toes and grip the pillow crying.

"Hey hey." I feel Zayns hand rub circles in my back. I totally forgot he was even listening to me.

"Why are you crying?" He asks.

"Ironic coming from my kidnapper." I mumble in the pillow. Sniffling.

"Bamby listen," A smile creeps upon my face. He called me Bamby. "I'm trying to keep you safe okay? I just, we were in a bad state and I was listening to what Harry was saying. We needed to be set straight and none of us knew what to do.." He sighs and I turn over. He's sitting on the edge of the bed and as I turn, his hand glides from my back to my shoulder, fingers hovering over my neck. "Until you came along." I can hint no sarcasm in his voice. None at all.



Amber leans up and I get off the bed and crawl to the other side, right next to her. She shifts to where she is facing me and sits cross crossed.

"Really?" She tilts her head and a strand falls in her face, right before she pushes it back behind her ear.

"Really." I state firmly. And I meant it, without her, we would probably still be under Matts control. We would probably be obeying him like puppies.
It's hard to say, but she's the reason we are most likely alive.

I watch her stare at me, as I stare right back at her beautiful face. It's so delicate. So pure. Full of happiness. But hidden fear.

"Have you ever been in love, Zayn?" She whispers and slides closer to me. She tilts her head slightly again and examines me. Looking for an answer. I'm a little taken back by the question, but I don't mind it.

"Well. No one can truly tell you what it's like to be in love, because love is different for each person. It is good, it is bad, it has its up and downs,it's abandoned and it's pursued. You have to find your own meaning of love, Amber. Though, love to me is.." I stutter. Just do it Zayn. "Love is... like a rose given for no apparent reason, like hot chocolate when you drink it too fast and catches you by surprise but keeps you warm for a long time, like salt water, the more you drink it the thirstier you are, like the air we breathe, its not seen but always felt and always needed. Love cannot be described in words, and can only be understood by the people who behold it. It needs patience, understanding, and forgiveness. You cannot ask for love, only give and accept it. And cherish the moments that love has given you for the rest of your life."I smile and breath out, twiddling my fingers.

She blinks so carefully. Her eyes shine a golden brown that takes your breath away when they twinkle. Her hair is so, so perfect the way it falls. Or when she walks, the way it bounces. When she smiles, her dimple show and she blushes, it warms my heart. She, warms my heart.

She leans forward and reaches her hand out. I flinch back and swallow.

"I won't hurt you." The words leave her lips so faintly and I relax.

Her hand brushes against my stubble. And I feel a pit drop in my stomach.

Her lips crash onto mine, I grab her waist and pull her closer. Wanting to feel every inch, every thing on her.


Authors note:

Do you guys ship Zamber yet or...


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