Chapter 26- "Marry Me?"

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Destiny's POV

"What are you doing here?" I heard the faint voice that belonged to Anna coming from afar.

I slowly opened my eyes, still laying on the cave's cold hard ground. Anna was situated just outside the cave, her legs tingling from the short cliff. Standing above her the brunet boy.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." His tone was monotonous, yet not sharp.

"Well I asked you first." Anna replied a little colder than he did.

"Look, if we're gonna fight again I'll just leave.-"

"No." Anna lost no time interrupting him. "I mean, there's no need for that. Besides you're already here and I'm sure we can have a conversation without leading it to an argument."

"We did have several conversations without arguing." Lucas said a little teasingly, as he took a seat next to her.

"Yeah, I know." I barely heard her reply and an short moment of silence followed.

"So do you do this often, or..." Lucas asked whilst shifting his gaze to multiple directions.

First her, the ground underneath them, the forest before them, the sky above them and her once more.

She left a little chuckle. "What do you mean by 'this'?" He mimicked her smile.

"I don't know, wondering at night and looking at the sky?"

"Not exactly, you see I don't actually 'wonder' but I do sometimes like to look at the sky at night. I mean, it's just plainly, absolutely beautiful." She replied and titled her head to look at it.

"Yeah, it is." Lucas pointed out but what the girl didn't notice was the he wasn't looking at the sky, but her. He regained himself with a cough.

Reading them was interesting. He would shoot glances at her when she wasn't looking and so would she. He would occasionally ruffle his hair and she would tap her fingers to the ground. He would rub the back of his neck and she would bit her lip or the inside of her cheek.

"By the way I want you to know that there is nothing between me and Destiny." Anna's eyebrows started to furrow. "I'm telling you this, cause you know, I think that Nico likes her and I don't want to have issues with my best friend and, yeah, you know." He shook his head.

"I do. Don't worry I don't think she feels anything about you either. I think we should go to sleep. Goodnight, Lucas."

She stood and turned around. The boy looked almost disappointed by her decision to leave but only if he knew that when the girl turned around a little girlish smile popped on her pretty face.

That was the last thing I saw until the following morning, when I woke up.

"Oh come on Di Angelo, stop being such a drama queen. Just stand up already."

"I'm telling you I'm-"

"I'm starviiiing."

"Jeez Ty, be patient."

"Guys it's time to go-"

"Stooop!" I interrupted the chaos of complains. "Can't we just leave already? I can't stand this cave any longer, I swear."

Everyone just shrugged and followed me. Half an hour past and I recalled Tyler's complain about him starving and I couldn't relate more.

"I'm hungry." I stated to nobody in particular.

"Guys, did anyone hear me? Cause I swear I'm going to eat one of you if I don't get to eat soon."

"Oh, just shut up already." Nico protested as he stood on tips of his toes and reached for an apple on the nearest tree and all I managed to notice was the way his shirt was pulled higher and revealed his well carved abs that I had seen the previous day.

"Here." He said right before he tossed me the apple and everyone grew even more silent, something impossible if you thought about the fact that they weren't even talking.

They looked at Nico, then the apple, later me and finally each other. That was the moment before a almost creepy smirk was plastered on their faces.

"I don't get it." I barely heard Tyler whispering in Nathan's ear.

"Babe, he threw her an apple." He explained to him slowly and softly.

"So, I guess you're married then?" Anna asked as teasingly, her smirk even wider than before and her arms crossed around her chest. Strangely enough, Lucas was standing beside her, his posture almost if not completely identical to hers.

"What are you talking about?" Me and Nico exclaimed at the same time.

"He tossed you an apple. That was a symbol of a marriage proposal in ancient Greece. So you know, he proposed, she will obviously accept and then, you know." Lucas said what would have been almost casually if there wasn't any sarcasm in his voice which gave him a scary resemblance to Anna, who just like him, seemed highly entertained.

"Yeah, right. Like Mr fuckboy over here would ever get married to someone beside himself." I retorted.

"That's right. Cause you would prefer someone else. My best friend perhaps?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What? No! That was just for the dare! I do not like Lucas and I wouldn't marry him or anyone else and certainly not you!" I snapped.

Shit. No no no, that was not supposed to happen.

My mouth was left half opened from my shock and I knew, that he knew that.

"So, you wouldn't marry me if I asked you to?" He asked me in a less cocky tone I expected. He was almost serious about it. And that hit me like a struck.

From the first time since the beginning of our conversation a shifted my gaze from his dark eyes and searched for Anna for a backup, when I realised she was nowhere to be seen. And in my bigger disappointment they were all a good 20 feet ahead of us, leaving be alone to deal with the guy I've bring trying to deal with from the time I arrived to that camp.

When I finally regained myself I asked him. "Would you?"

My question apparently caught him of guard as he blinked numerously with his eyes wide.

"Would I what?" He finally replied.

"Marry me." I answered firmly.

"I- I..." He startled. After a certain amount of time I nodded "Okay, I get it. I don't want to know. Let's go Di Angelo." I went after the others. "Oh, and don't you dare throw an apple at me ever again." I called to him over my shoulder.

"There are the lovebirds!" Tyler exclaimed as soon as he saw us coming.

"Do not call us that ever again or you're going to make a long visit to my father." I shot Tyler a glare.

He put his hands in surrender. "Ooh I see. He must do some things wrong for you to be so mooody." He laughed.

"Tyyy!" Anna exclaimed although she was obviously amused by my pain.

And although I kept refusing to believe it, I could feel Nico's stare burning my scull.

Only if they knew, that only one of us felt that way.

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