Chapter 11- "Long night"

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A/N: Love this song👆 especially 1:40- 2:00. If you listen to this part after reading this chapter you will spot the similarities between the lyrics of the song and this chapter's story.

PS This is one of my favorite chapters to write.


Anna's POV:

I woke up on an armchair next to Tyler's bed, where I was supposed to be taking care of him ,but I must have drifted to sleep.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table next to Tyler's bed.


I looked back at the bed where Tyler was supposed to be, but he was nowhere to be seen. I turned to Nathan. He was sleeping and I felt too bad to wake him up so I decided to go find Tyler on my own.

I stepped outside and examined the right and later the left side of the corridor to confirm myself that nobody was there.

I thought he might be with the others, but I highly doubted that. Ugh, what the hell it was Tyler we were talking about of course he was worthy of trying although I wasn't very excited of seeing Lucas after our ridiculous fight over who would win if Nico hadn't interrupted our fight.

Of course it would be me.

I would have no problem what so ever slicing that guy's head, I mean his ego is bigger than the empire state building!

So anyway, I walked slowly a few meters away and lead myself in front of the door with the number 18A.

I knocked the door but I got no answer. I knocked again a little harder and the door was open.

In front of me was standing Lucas shirtless , wearing only shorts and had his brown hair all messy. As soon as he saw me his eyes grew wider.

"Anna! Uhm..what are you doing the middle of the night?" He was scratching the back of his neck, his eyes glued to the ground, avoiding my gaze.

His kinda cute I gue- wait Anna, what?! Ew, no!

"I- I....I was looking for Tyler..he's not in our room and.. Is that Destiny and Nico sleeping together?" I asked as my mouth hanged open and got a step towards Lucas so I could see them better.

He turned his head a bit to look at them and turned back at me now smiling "Well princess, what can I say, they are good together and like you, I have my little plans to reach my goal" and he winked at me.

Hell Hound |Nico Di Angelo FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora