Chapter 15 - Lazy Filler

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Chapter Fifteen – LAZY DAY

A/N: This is a filler, relaxed and hopefully funny, because I have put a lot of tension and fear and seriousness in the previous chapters, and I need to lighten it up a bit.

The next morning I woke up. Duh.

The important thing is I woke up at 11:39 AM. Finally a decent hour! I had had loads of sleep; Mia was still asleep; sprawled over her half of the bed and most of mine, I had been woken when I fell out. Like splat on the floor. I shook her shoulder very quickly and whispered “Mia-I’m-gonna-have-one-of-your-lollipops-you-can-go-back-to-sleep-now-okay.”

She mumbled “Kay” and fell back asleep; I went and grabbed a lollipop, still in my pajamas. I was the only one awake; I checked on the girls and they were dead to the world, on the floor. They had basically found an extra three mattresses in the house, and spread them and their own mattresses on the floor, and covered them in blankets and pillows and stuff. Meh, as long as I didn’t have to clean it up I didn’t care.

Sucking on the lollipop, I sat down and watched an old episode of Sam and Cat; and when I was done with both the candy and the show, I took a shower.

Finally, it was 12:34. So I decided to cook breakfast. So I went to the fridge and got out eggs, milk, butter, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes. Then I grabbed flour and sugar and vanilla and bread from the cupboard, and arranged everything neatly on the bench.

Pouring sugar, flour, milk, vanilla and eggs into a bowl, I started whisking them. And whisking them. And whisking them. And then I gave up, and poured some into the pan, and let it cook.

I picked it up and kept whisking, and then Mia came into the kitchen, still in her pajamas.

“Oh, give it here,” she smiled, taking the bowl from me. “You’re hopeless.”

I happily surrendered the bowl; this was our usual sleepover schedule. I try and fail to make pancakes, Mia takes over and they turn out great.

She mixed and started cooking more pancakes, while I ripped open the package of bacon, and started frying the mushrooms and tomato, and eggs, and bacon, and dropped bread in the toaster.

“How many people are coming to brunch?” Mia asked, obviously wondering why there was so much food.

“Just us,” I grinned. “I thought we’d have a lazy day today; you know, laze around, eat, stay in pajamas, eat, watch telly, sleep, eat… oh and I have to go to the bank. We’re running out of money, and we need food. To eat,” I added.

She laughed. “So are we going to eat at all today?”

I shrugged. “Maybe. If we’re finished eating, we can try.”

“Your bacon is burning.”

“Oh sugar! Thanks, you really saved my bacon,” I said. She laughed again and flipped another pancake onto the plate.

“Do we smell food?”

Lillian and Eleanora stumbled out of their room, in their pajamas. Of course.

“Lazy day today, girlies?” I asked they cheered and snitched a pancake each. “Touch the bacon and you’ll pay.”

They each reached for a rasher and I jokingly swatted at their hands with the egg flipper.

“Egg? Egg? Egg?” I pointed at each of them and nodded. “Mushrooms?”

“YUCK!” Mia and El shrieked.

“YUM!” Lily and I shrieked back. We high fived and then I realized that the toast was burning.

“Lils, toast!” She grabbed it and threw it into the sink. “You missed,” I told her.


I reached over and picked up one of the four pieces; then I threw it out of the window behind the sink. Mia, Lily and Eleanor all copied me; then we threw out the egg shells, the mushroom stalks, and the tomato icky bits. It was fun.

“HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” a neighbour yelled. We giggled and ducked; then popped back up when we needed to sort out the pancakes. “THAT IS GOING RIGHT INTO MY POOL,” the cranky person called again. I shrugged and threw some pancake; giggling, we went into the screen room.

“What movie are we watching?” Miz asked.

“Wild Child,” Lil and El and I immediately replied. We high fived and collapsed on the couches, with our food. Mia slipped the disc into the DVD player and I put my glasses on; it was lazy day so I hadn’t bothered with contacts.


“AND I WILL EAT YOUR FOOD!” Lily agreed.

“And,” I added. “I will steal your tickets to the Wiggles concert.”

NO NOT WIGGLETH,” she lisped, jumping on the couch.

We had a private joke involving Teletubbies, Wiggles and Playschool. Because we were mature like that.

Anyway, we sat through the movie, laughing and chatting and quoting, because we have seen it that many times.

“Okay, Harry Potter time,” I demanded. We watched Goblet of Fire, and then I checked the time.

“Four o’clock?”

I was shocked we had only eaten six bowls of popcorn, two bars of chocolate and about twelve drinks each; it was pretty conservative for us.

“Okay people, we have to go to the bank,” I said.

I slipped on an FBI T-shirt, jeans and some ratty heels; it was only a trip to the bank.


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