Chapter 10 - Gone

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Chapter 10 – Gone


Also I got a hermit crab and I don't know whether to call it Mia or Gabbie. 


The next morning, I woke up to soft breathing. My head was on somebody’s chest, and their arm was around me. Groggily I put my head up.

“Harry?” I sat up and shrugged his arm off. Blinking a few times to wake myself up, I stretched and tried to remember exactly where Mia was, why Harry Styles was in my bed and what that random stain on my favorite pajama top was.

Last night quickly came back to me. The drinks (probably the cause of the stain), Angel fainting, Harry and I, the fight…

Ugh great. I flopped back onto the bed, which woke Harry up.


He has a really deep morning voice.

“Oh, Becky,” he corrected. “Where’s – oh.”

He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. I saw pain in his eyes as he remembered last night, and then he copied me; sighing and flopping back.

“What do we do now?” he asked.

“If she’s calmed down, you should apologize,” I told him, avoiding saying her name.

“Yeah, I’ll go see if she is,” he said, getting out of bed and going to the door.

“Uh, Haz?”

“Yeah Bec?”

“Put some clothes on,” I grinned, tossing his shirt at him. He laughed and slipped it on. “Come with?”

I sighed and got out of bed. “Wait ten minutes and I can.”

After showering, I got changed into a fuchsia top and white skinny jeans; slipping on some black Converse (as always, outfits in the external link) I went into the bedroom to find Harry sitting on the bed, staring off into space.

“Okay, are you ready?”

“Can we have breakfast first?” he asked. I sighed. I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.

“Harry, you can’t keep putting it off.”


“Fine, but then straight away afterwards we go talk to her. Deal?”

He nodded and stood up.

And started jumping on the bed.

“Harry, get down!”

He shook his head and laughed, dragging me up onto the bed.

“Harry, stop!” I was laughing as I tried to scold him.


“Harry, you want food?”

That stopped him. “Food!”

I didn’t get how he didn’t have a hangover, but whatever. If I didn’t have to nurse him, then fine.

Finally I managed to drag him off the bed, and into the kitchen.

Mia was slamming cupboards and drawers and freaking out.

“Becky Becky Becky!”

“Mizzie Mizzie Mizzie what’s wrong?” I asked.

“There’s no lollipops!”

Aah. You see, one thing about Mia is that she is addicted to lollipops.

Chupa Chups, no brand, big ones, small ones, cheap, expensive, any flavour – she loves them.

“Okay, we’ll go to the shops after breakfast,” I said. We needed coffee beans to – I was addicted to them.

“No! Now!”

“Fine. But first, Harry and I have to talk to Angel,” I said. Harry was about to leave when Mia turned to us.

“Uh, yeah, about that…”

“What happened to Angel?” Harry asked. I was right; he still had massive feelings for her.

“She’s gone,” Mimi said softly. “She said to give you this.”

She dug a note out of her pocket and held it out; snatching it, Harry scanned it and then gave it to me, sinking down onto a kitchen chair.

Dear Harry,

I had to leave. I like you, and I can’t see you around her. It hurts me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, not even Ray. I just want you to know that I’ll miss you.

You never have to see me again. You will never be punched by me; we won’t have any more coke fights; you won’t see me freeze anyone and you won’t have me yelling at you anymore.

You won’t have to worry about your psychopathic kidnapper.

Love Angel. 


She called me ‘her’ – how dare she?

I have a name you know.

But – wait. She left? She left Harry with me? She thinks we had something?

I rested my head in my hands.

What have I done? I tore them apart! What if she gets into a car crash or something and dies?  It will be all my fault!

“I have to fix this,” I whispered to myself.

“So, no lollipops then?” Miz asked. I glared, and she held her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay!”

“Harry?” I asked. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well sorry’s not going to do much good now is it?” he yelled, standing up. “I loved her Becky, I never felt that way about anyone else! And now she’s gone!”

“Harry, calm down! Freaking out won’t do anything, anything at all!”

“Yeah, well what will?” he screamed. I shoved him into a chair and smiled.


He was confused. “What? How? Why? I thought you hated Angel.”

I sat and took his hands. Gazing into his sorrowful green eyes, I said something that I hadn’t even admitted to myself yet.

“Harry, when I first saw you, I was crazily fangirling and everything. I idolized you. But then we kissed and… I was trying to fool myself, but I felt nothing. No sparks, no lust. I’m always going to love you, but now I know that I can’t, not in that way. And I’m not doing it for Angel; I’m doing it for you. For your relationship. When I see you two, I know that it’s just right. You belong together. Don’t get me wrong, I still hate Angel and want to blow her apart with my flamethrower – but I can’t let myself come between you two. She likes you, you like her – and I’m not in that equation.”

He smiled. “Thanks.”

“Oh, and how? Well, I happen to be an FBI agent. I can do anything!”

Harry’s POV (once only!)

After Becky’s little speech, I hugged her and realized she was right. No sparks, no feelings other than friendship; and I was grateful.

But I still couldn’t believe it until I saw it.

So I stood up and mumbled something about going to the bathroom, but really went to Angel’s room.

I knocked on the door and pushed it open.

It was empty. I knew it would be; but I didn’t want to believe it.

Her stuff was gone; mine was messy, on the bed.

I sat down and cried.

I couldn’t reach her now. Becky could try, but when Angel didn’t want to be found, she sure as hell wouldn’t be.

She was gone. 

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