Sneak Peak of book 2

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Sneak Peak

Dear Diary, 

                Arrow has been in the hospital for almost 4 months now and he’s been doing better every day, physical therapy has been going good, and Arrow is being released today. Arrow took my announcement really well in fact he says he’s looking forward to it. I’m pregnant as hell and I’m actually quite big to be 5 months. The doctors think I’m going to have twins.

As for me and Tweety, at first I just wanted to whoop her ass and keep my distance from her, but we’re on good terms now, after we had a long talk that day after Arrow was emitted into the hospital. Pree got accepted into a nursing school, University of Hawaii, in Manoa on a full ride. I’m so proud of her; I always knew she would be something. She’s due to attend school there this fall and is looking forward to it.

Lightbright and Kingston are getting married and yes I am going to be the brides mate and Arrow is supposed to be the groom’s man. There waiting till Arrow is out of the hospital before they set the date. I never expected that from Kingston but hell I guess after nearly seeing his best-friend get shot he figured Y.O.L.O.

Business is going good for me after I killed Smoke and Candy dumb ass, I went and hired my bitch Nika and let her and Tweety handle the physical aspect of it, while I handle the money. Don’t be mistaken I still run shit but I can’t really do the whole ‘run-the-streets’, beat-a-bitch-ass-part. Oh and did I mention that the cops have ‘no-idea’ who shot up the club, I don’t know what my dad did but he ‘handled’ that.

As for enemies, I’ve been hearing that Mook want revenge but don’t worry I may be preggers but I got something for that ass, I may not be able to do it myself but you best-believe I have someone to handle his ass.

 Well bye bitches, I have to go pick up the bae, he's finally coming home.

-the baddest bitch Bala

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