Chapter 7: Footlocker

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Chapter 7:

*Bala’s P.O.V.*

“Foreplay in the foyer, fucked up my Warhol, Slip the panties right to the side ain't got the time to take draws off, on site”                                                                   

I woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of Jay-z.

“The fuck?”  I sluggishly rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Why the fuck does he have to be so damn loud in the morning?

When I got in the kitchen what I saw had me rolling. This nigga was rapping along with Jay’z while he was cooking some bacon. I walked over to the island in his kitchen and sat down. He still hasn’t noticed me; he was really feelin’ this shit.

 I walked over to him, he still didn’t see me, and whispered in his ear, “Can't keep your eyes off my fatty, Daddy I want you.”He turned around and I laughed at him, I had caught his attention.

“Oh so you think this shit funny?” he asked with a smile as he put the bacon on a plate and sat it on the island. I just laughed at him. He straight faced me then laughed with me.

“I didn’t know you liked Beyonce.” I said to him

“That’s the bae.”

“Oh okay you sure jay-z ain't the bae?” I said joking with him.

“Oh so you got jokes.”

“You laughin’ ain’t you.” I replied. “Are you mad, or naw?”

We both just laughed at that. “Did you sleep good.” He asked as he set the rest of the food on the island and we sat down.

“Yea, what about you?” I said as we began to make small talk, nothing was awkward and everything just flowed. When we finished he put the dishes in the dishwasher and asked me what I wanted to do today.

“You could just drop me off at home.” I said

“Okay and then what?” he said as we walked up the stairs towards his room.

“What you mean?” I was confused.

“Didn’t you say you wanted the gamma blues?”

“Yea but I was…”

“Okay then we’re going to go get ‘em” he said cutting me off as he walked into his closet.

I walked into his bathroom and began to put my clothes back on when I walked out he was dressed in white Trues with a Burberry shirt and the shoes to match and he had on a gold Rolex and some Versace shades. This nigga knew he looked good.

“Okay I see you.” I said as we walked downstairs and out the door. We hopped in the car and rode to my house after I told him the address. We walk into my apartments lobby only to see my thirsty ass desk clerk Alana.

Alana is a thirsty ass bitch, she’s one of them black ass bitches that like to where blonde nappy weave. We went to high school together and we used to be friends that Is until she got jealous of me because her boyfriend wanted me and not her. I didn’t pay the hoe no mine until one day I caught her giving my boyfriend head in the bathroom so I dragged that hoe out of the bathroom and beat her ass in front everyone in the hallway. Ever since then we’ve been enemies, as for her working at my apartment building, I’m pretty sure she fucked and sucked to get this job.

Alana gave me a stank look, I was about to go over there and ask her what the fuck her problem is but I stopped myself. I just got bailed out but I don’t feel like dillining with the bull shit. So I ignored her and walked over to the mailboxes and got my mail. As I turned around to go to the elevator I saw Alana rat ass all up on Arrow, or at least trying to be. I calmly walk over there. I’m not goin’ beat her just “move her.”

Trust No OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ