Chapter 2: The Shop

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                                                                                *Bala’s P.O.V.*

                Tweety, June Bug, and I walked into Candy’s town house, where we saw candy bieng wrapped up by Brains.

                Candy, also known as candy lady, is our main supplier she and I go way back. I met her when me and Smoke first started fucking around, which is about 3 ½ years ago. She’s about 5’8 and she’s Cuban with a New Yorker accent. Tweety and Candy use to have beef over….. I don’t even fucking know why, I just know that they always hated each other, mental note: ask Tweety about that tomorrow.

As for Brains, Brains is like our doctor, he patches us up when we get wounded and he does a dam good job, I would know. He’s 5’11 and brown skin  with a low curly fade. Oh and he’s Candy ole’man.

“Damn what the fuck happened here?”  June bug said. We all turned to look at him.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, first you don’t show up, then you bring the  hoe with you, and now you have the nerve to ask what the fuck happened,” said Tweety looking at June bug as if she disgusted him.

I just smirked at her because  we all knew that Tweety and June bug had a thing, they were together  once for about 5 months but when Tweety caught June Bug cheating on her with Nay Nay she dumped his ass, even though we all know she still want him. June bug looked at all of us with the “shut-the-fuck-up” face.

“I meant with her.” June said as he gestured towards Candy. “ Yo ass always jumping to conclusions and shit” June finished.

“Okay so what the fuck did actually happen with you.” I said to Candy.

“A Group of niggas rode up on me in a black Sudan hopped out the car and jumped me.”  Said Candy

“Wait what niggas and what did they look like?” asked Tweety.

“They were all tall and black as hell, and they all had on purple.” 

“Are sure that it was purple?” I asked, hoping it’s not who I think it is.

“Yes bitch… I’m sure.” Said Candy with attitude.

“Wait hold the fuck up” I said looking up at the ceiling. I laughed a little to myself. “I don’t know what the fuck wrong with these bitches today. Is it fuck with Bala day, because these bitches walking around here talking to me like I’m not Bala.” I said thinking out loud. “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with y’all but y’all better realize who the fuck y’all talking to. Did y’all hoes forget who the fuck I am.” I yelled at this bitch. Candy got quiet.

“First and foremost I must deal with you.” I pointed at June Bug, “You’re a complete failure, You ain’t shit, can’t ever do shit, and will never amount to shit. “ I pointed to Candy, “And you, you stupid as hell, cause you knew you wasn’t supposed to be going by yourself anyway, trying to be a boss as bitch when you ain’t one.”

Tweety jumped in and said, “Calm down, calm down, we ain’t here for that, we’re here for one reason and one reason only, and that reason is to find out who the hell is fucking with our money.”

                I gave her that bitch please look, her ass was trying to fight damn near 10 minutes ago but this bitch right though. “You right, so what the…( gun shots go off)” we all hit the ground.

“What the fuck” I said as I crawled to the backroom where I know Candy keeps all of the guns. I grab a Choppa and pass Tweety a AK-47. June bug and Candy were already strapped.

                After I hand the gun to Tweety I see Tweety and June Bug rush to the door looking trigger happy as fuck. “Wait, don’t shoot yet…I want to see these niggas.” I said. They all pause except for Candy; this hoe is really starting to get on my nerves. 


“Bitch what the fuck, didn’t I tell yo ass not to fucking shoot.” I yelled at her. I swear this hoe want my hands. I can’t believe this bitch. She actually had the nerve to fucking grim me and rolled her eyes. I take deep breaths, I’m about to kill this hoe, now I know what some of ya’ll are thinking, why the fuck is this bitch so angry? Well I’m not I just have a low tolerance for bull shit. At least the bitch knew to shut the fuck up.

“Damn ma chill, why you so hostile today?” asked June bug

“Bitch, is you stupid, can’t yo ass see she pissed the fuck off, and why the fuck yo ass so chill…” said Tweety, then they started arguing.  I can always count on my bitch, but right about now I’m fucking tired of everybody.

“EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I yelled “Damn y’all irritating ass fuck and I don’t have time for this shit, now what I need y’all to do is find out who the fuck just tried to spray us.” I turned and pointed to the weirdly quiet Candy, “And yo ass need to fucking lose the attitude.” And then I turned to everybody, “Oh and why I’m on the fucking subject, who the fuck gone endorse me, y’all need to come up with my money because friend or not that’s 2 mil that’s missing in my pocket so…..y’all need to figure that shit out because one way or another I’m going to get my money.” I said as I looked at Candy and June Bug.

“Y’all giving me a head ache and I don’t got time for this shit.” I said as I put the Choppa back, and left out the door.

“Wait where the fuck did that hoe NayNay go?” I heard Tweety ask on my way out the door.

“I don’t know.” Said June bug with his stupid ass and , see I don’t know why I still fuck with June Bug he street smart but he don’t got no common sense. I swear if he wasn’t Smoke’s cousin I wouldn’t even be fucking with him.

 June bug is about 6’2 he’s light skin with green eyes and he’s kind of skinny he has a curly fro, but that shit don’t mean nothing to me, because if you dumb as fuck anything fine about you is gone.

I hopped in my black Sudan, turned up my music, and called Smoke.

“Hello…” I heard him say.

“Bae...where you at?” I asked when I heard someone blasting Jeezy.

“I’m at Mookie’s . Why wassup?” I just know this nigga hitting a j with Mook’s big ass.

“Someone just sprayed Candy’s” I said as I made a stop at a red light.


“I know, look I’m on my way there, I’ll explain when I get there.”

“Aight… “

“Aye I’m stopping by Jimmie’s you want a plate?”

“Yea get me some ribs, macaroni, mashed potatoes and….”

“Yea I got you bae, I’m just call you when I get in there. I’m almost to Jimmie’s so I’m a text you.”

“Aight…Love you”

“Love you too.” Before I hung up I heard niggas in the background laughing.

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