S2 « Black Pavement. Part II .» #Ep12

Start from the beginning


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Cameron Pov:
« Next Day : 8:12 am »

["He did suffer a mild concussion, no internal bleeding. There is a knot on his occiput, nothing server. Eventually the knot will fade. The blood that you reported you saw came from his nose"]

["He has a really sensitive immune system, very sensitive nerves and blood vessels in his throat and nose. Usually caused by cutting of the air wave, From the print on his neck, he was indeed strangled into unconsciousness"]

["With him being your son Mr.Ronaldo I won't purse with Hospital protocol for child endangerment. This is only between us, I could be suspended for not reporting this, I'm only doing this as Your Friend and not your partner"]

["His heart rate has picked up, his breathing is still fine. Blood pressure has dropped. Blood work came back clean from drugs, no ill-conditions. There's just a matter of time until he awakes. He's in great health, his throat is swollen so he will be unable to speak for a few days"]

["any further questions, you can page me. Don't worry he will wake."]

"Thanks you"

["Thank me over lunch, your treat"]

Christiano Pov:

"He was strangled?"
"How the fuck did that happen? Where? When. In our house!?"

Jordan Pov:

"He was in his room after we got home. Nobody left once I set the alarm, you guys where home, so I'm sure nobody came in before us."

Christopher Jr. Pov:

"The doors where locked pops"

Christiano Pov:

"So he choked himself? Those are hand prints. Somebody literally choked him to death almost. Under our roof, our son wasn't safe under our roof jordan"

Christopher Jr. Pov:

He groaned at jordan as Jordan eyes teared up from being so concerned. "Dad stop it's not the time" I hissed at him. "Jordan was next to you as you were next to him. So if you're looking for someone to blame? Look in the mirror".

Christiano Pov:

Sighing* "I'm sorry. I'm just confused on how this happen. I'm sorry"

Jordan Pov:

"We're all in shock right now, but there's only one person that can confirm what happen". All eyes looked down to Cameron as he laid there recovering.

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Cameron Pov:
« 10:38 am »
[ Tv conversation and theme music]
[ Beeping of heart monitor ]
[ Pressure of AC vent blowing air through room ]

Everything around me started to tune in as my ears ached the more I became conscious. My eyes twitched and the tip of my fingers throbbed.

My eyes instantly closed after I tried opening them. Everything blurred as I repeated opening them. I could hear this beeping nose, beeping faster every time I moved.

It was hard for me to swallow as a tube was down my throat causing me to gag out choking on my own spit. I was physically too weak to lift myself as my body jerked back and forth.

Christopher Jr Pov:

My eyes popped open as Cameron monitor was beeping loudly. The door was pushed open as a nurse came charging in fully awaking me and Jordan.

She laid him back as she pushed the red emergency button beside his bed as another doctor Rand Into the room. "He's suffocating . ." They both faded out as another nurse rushed me and jordan out the room. The door closed as Jordan started to yell at one of the nurses.

"Ma'am that's my little brother in there" I deeply sighed. "Let us take care of him okay" she mumbled before walking pass me entering the room with a charge cart and another machine.

They paged for my dad over the speaker requesting that he was needed. Jordan sat in the chair as his foot tapped the Marble floor repeatedly as I grab his knee. "He's going to be okay Dad" I softly spoke as he nodded his head leaning back.

Chris came walking around the corner serval minutes later. He removed his gloves moving his eyebrows at me. Signaling me to approach, "he's awake" he sighed smiling. "Thank god" I pleaded. "You can go in" he softly spoke as I turned back to Jordan. "Yeah I know. I'm going to apologize" he acknowledged as I patted his back. "As you should".

Slowly opening the door as he was leaning up in the bed. The lights were off as the tv lit up the room. "You scared the hell out of me bro" I mumbled approaching him as he just looked at me. It was as if he didn't recognize me. His eyes turned back towards the tv.

The door opened as Chris and Jordan walked in. I approached them both before they fully walked in. "Did he lose his memory or something?" I asked concerned. "He's on some heavy drugs right now, he's high" Chris silently chuckled.

"I don't want him feeling the aftermath of any of this. So right now he's living in actuality, but it seems like an illusion to him" just give him a few hours to regroup. Y'all should get home and rest. I've talked with Your school, they know you'll be out until Monday."

Jordan approached Cameron as he rubbed his head. He leaned over kissing his forehead. It was scary but funny watching his reaction as Jordan walked away. "He can't talk either so it's not making anything better" Chris said looking at us both.

"Jr. Pull the car to the front" jordan spoke handing me back his keys as I nodded my head walking out the door.

Jordan Pov:
"You don't think that Francisco boy had anything to do with this?" Chris asked me as I smirked uncertain. "I don't want to blame anyone, bae I'm not sure at all. He was perfectly fine. He loves that boy Chris" I whispered.

"You certain?" He asked as I nodded my head. "The boy was his first. He told me everything the night we came home. He's in love with him so I doubt Francisco would pull this." I softly spoke as we both looked over to Cameron who was now asleep.

"Okay. Something just isn't clicking with me" he mumbled as I agreed. "We will figure it out as a family. Thank you for taking care of him" I spoke cuffing his face. "Thank you for being an amazing father to our boys". "I am sorry for blaming you. I love you" he smiled as our lips connected. "I'll see you soon" he spoke as I walked out the door.

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