S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part I» #Ep3

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Christopher Jr Pov • { two week Later } •

She sat across from me eating as I chuckled at her stuffing her face. Her smile gave me peace knowing food brought her this much joy. She sucked from her straw as the strawberry milkshake started to disappear.

"Hate when you do that Jr." She mumbled as I smiled at her. "What watch you be a big girl eating all your food, it's beautiful baby" I chuckled. "I love this side of you, you're a little grumpy but you're carrying a whole human in that small body".

"Yeah and it's getting harder everyday, look at my feet?" She said trying to kick them up as I looked under the table. "I can't even wear my heels right now, look at these ugly shoes. I have nothing to match, plus my clothes don't even fit. Jr. Don't laugh" she hissed throwing her fork down.

"Don't be like that" I said scooting my chair closer to her. "Look" I said with my hand towards her feet pulling them on top of my lap. I massaged them as I noticed Cameron walking across the cafeteria. "Ahhhh" she moaned out. "Don't stop" she giggled making me laugh.
"Can you" she said pointing to her milkshake as I reached for it handing it to her. "Thank you" she softly spoke as Cameron approached the table. He had his phone out as I noticed him taking pictures of us. "I have to send this to dad" he laughed sitting down.

"Y'all are the cutest" he spoke reaching into my bag pulling out a hand full of fries. "How's my nephew?" He asked as Maya shook her head. "Don't say that, I want a girl, it's a girl" she said as we both laughed. "Just asked them already, I need to know what to prepare myself for" he said as I chuckled.

"A headache" I replied looking at him. "Nah that's y'all, I'll see him or her during the weekend. Y'all stuck 24/7, 356" he laughed. "Anyways, I came to tell you not to wait for me after school" he looked down at me. "But dad said we needed to come straight home?" I said looking at him. "Can you trust me with this please?" He asked as I noticed Francisco walking across the cafeteria with a group of people.

"Please Jr.?" He question as I looked at Maya who was slurping on her shake. "Cameron, you know how pops feel about him" I mumbled as he was getting closer. "It's not him it's his mom, ugh trust me, love you. Leave it alone" he groaned as Francisco got closer.

Cameron Pov:

"Thank you, I'll see you at home" I mumbled before approaching Francisco. The guys he was with looked at me strange as they said their goodbyes. "It's going to take some adjustments, they're just now starting to come back around" he said as we walked towards the door. "It's so strange that people knew about me already, but now that I'm actually dating someone it's all a sudden a new thing, I've been the same person since I came here" he rumbled on as stopped him.

"Babe you knew this was going to happen, look around you" I said as we stood under the brick wall. "You're captain of the soccer team, you're a Jr and I'm a freshman. And On top of that you've dated girls before I got here so nobody believed you where bi, until now" I said sitting on the bench.

"At least you're not dealing with the backlash I'm dealing with. People are already calling me a hoe because I'm dating someone older than me, Karla isn't talking to me anymore and on top of that, the Friends I did have act weird around me now, and the gay boys here don't like me. On top of that Oliver is being questioned about his sexuality because we were secretly together slash friends and it's not right. He shouldn't be dragged into this" I mumbled as he looked at me.

"Just like you told me, you knew it would happen. And he's not our problem bae. He made that bed now let him fix it" he spoke grabbing my face. "Nobody can change what we have okay" he smiled making me smile.

Just Can't Help It; The Sequel (BxB)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin