Chapter 31: Palace*

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for saying that, but I don't know what you're talking about" she tilted her head confused "you don't know me enough to judge me..."

"I suppose that's true, but you spend a lot of time with Calem! Surely he got to know you!" I stayed quiet, knowing that was true "I'm so happy you came... I never thought I'd see Calem smile like he does. I really hope he can change completely" she leaned closer "I wanted to ask... when we find Serena, what are you planning to do after?"

"Go home" she stood immediately

"What?! Why?!" She whined "you can't just leave! You're leaving immediately after!?" I stood up, towering her

"It's like you told me before, you guys have your own jobs, I have mine" I still remember what Diantha offered me "I have my reasons why I never visited... I have to go back to Sinnoh" I sat back down "you understand when it comes to your job, but I have another reason why I have to stay there"

"Can you tell me?" My silence was enough of a answer "I understand..." she backed off "I shouldn't be pressuring you. But" she smiled "I'm glad you're at least talking to me... this is much more different than how when you threatened me before!" She laughed. I looked down, feeling uncomfortable "oh..." she felt awkward "I shouldn't be talking so carelessly. I'm sure you're pretty worried about Calem" is that it? Is that why I'm acting like this?

"I suppose" she nodded

"Well, I'll be on my way to Laverre City. I'll give you a call when I'm there! Meet us?"

"If I feel like it" she didn't say anything after that. She just stared at me for a moment before leaving. I sighed and started swinging on my seat, thinking hard about what we were just talking about

I have to go back to Sinnoh... even if Diantha offered me to stay here with Greg, I rather give that offer to Greg and I stay in Sinnoh. I just can't leave permanently... even if it means leaving Greg to someone else, he'll find someone more talented and original than me

I don't know how long I sat here, but B brought me back when swallowing my entire bag, seeing that rain was starting to fall in the very dark sky. It's gotten late and I haven't even noticed

"I wonder how long I sat here" B opened its mouth wide so I could cover my phone to see the time, and it's gotten pretty late, I saw a missed call from Shauna and text from her saying she was in the city... when did I give her my number? And who wrote her name in here?

I send a text saying I was going back to the hospital since it got late and gave my phone back to B "I guess it's time to go back to Lumiose... so much for going forward" I sighed and started walking back before B threw up a Pokéball and send out Absol barking at me, or something behind me

"Absol?" I turned around, seeing nothing but the darkness from the woods. It growled angrily and jumped to stand in front me for protection... what could it see that I can't?

"Ban?" B looked around, standing on my shoulder. I looked to the side, seeing Haunter appearing and vanishing in seconds at a time. I furrowed my brows confused. Isn't this Calem's Haunter..?

"Ab!" Absol used its horn to attack whatever was in the darkness. I narrowed my eyes, trying to see what it was getting mad about. I flinched when seeing a fainted image of a Aegislash up ahead. I took a step back, somehow seeing Calem in a much older version, wearing a royalty uniform like in my dream

"Calem?" The image of him vanished and his Aegislash floated closer to the open. Haunter laughed loudly, finding whatever was happening funny. What was even happening? Absol was getting angry and kept attacking to get the steel type away, but it kept vanishing to dodge a attack!

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now