Chapter 1

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~*not proof read, everything converted to camren*~

"Camila, the seniors worked really hard on their production..Are you sure it's ok for us to miss part of it just to see a stupid basketball game?" A brown skinned girl questioned as she allowed herself to be pulled down the hallway by her brown haired friend.

The brown skinned girl heard her friend snicker.

"Come on, Normani. It's the championship game aren't you at least a bit curious to see if our team is winning?" The brown eyed girl asked her friend not slowing their pace. The game was probably almost over, but if they hurried they might be able to catch the last few minutes of it.

"Camila...Basketball is so boring...We're not even close to anybody on the team...Why do you care if they win or lose? Most of them are just dogs who play with girl's hearts..." Normani whined.

"You know my dad is a huge basketball fan. I can't help that I'm a little curious. It's in my genes."

Normani sighed. She had been friends with Camila her whole life and she had never been able to understand her dad's obsession over the sport. Camila wasn't nearly as bad, but she to had her times where she showed her passion for the game as well.

The two girls didn't exchange any more words as they made it to the gym.

The gym was extremely large for a high school, but that was because there school was known for it's athletic programs. They were constantly one of the top teams in every sport, so naturally the budget for athletics was extremely high.

Normani couldn't help, but be a bit jealous as they made it to the gym. She could already hear the roars of the crowd and they hadn't even walked inside yet. The drama department never got this much attention. It wasn't fair.

Camila and Normani quickly opened the door and closed their eyes a little as the lights of the gym hit their faces. Normani's eyes flew to the seats. Despite how popular she knew the sports team was she honestly couldn't help, but feel overwhelmed at the sight of so many people. It seemed like the whole city was here.

Camila's eyes went straight to the scoreboard only for a frown to appear on her face.

One minute and 15 seconds left in the 4th quarter and miami High was down by 7.

"AND A STEAL BY THE JR SHOOTING GUARD DINAH JANE! THE HOME TEAM DESPERATELY NEEDS A BUCKET RIGHT NOW!" An announcer suddenly screamed, his voice echoing throughout the gym, knocking both girls out of their thoughts.

Normani had long abandoned convincing Camila to leave so she just decided to suck it up and watch. After being friends with Camila for so long she knew the basic rules of the game.

"Lauren!" Dinah shouted as she threw a bounce pass to a dark haired teenager as she crossed the half court line.

The girl in question caught the pass with little difficulty as she motioned with her hands to slow down the offense. They needed to score right here. They couldn't rush anything.

Lauren set herself up in the middle of the court right above the three point line, she backed up a little, but was sure not to step over half court. If she had a turnover right now, she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

Lauren looked over to her team's bench and saw her coach holding his fingers together forming a triangle, the man then broke the triangle making it into a incomplete square.

This was a play from their book. Lauren shook her head towards the coach, as if saying she wanted to call the play. The coach nodded trusting lauren's judgement.

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