Chapter 1

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"Rain get up!" My mom yelled, popping her head in my door.

Sitting up, I reached for my black  glasses, without them I'd be blind. Today is my first day back to school, something I've dreaded.

Dragging myself to the bathroom, I tied my long blonde hair into a ponytail.

"Your gonna miss the bus." Mom sighed, tired from having 4 jobs to try to pay the bills.

Getting on the bus, I looked for Zach, my bestest friend in the world.

"Hey Rain!" He smiled, his math homework sitting on his lap, clearly unfinished.

"Hey Zachary." I laughed, knowing he's not real fond of his full name.

Zach glared at me.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, laying my head on his shoulder.

As the bus stopped at a stop sign we watched a black lambo stop next to us.

"Jack Avery." Zach muttered.

"Losers!" His squad yelled out the windows, throwing their drinks at the side of the bus.

I could feel Jack's eyes on me, his brown and blonde curls half in his face.

The bus started moving again and Jack sped down the road, clearly showing off how rich he is.

"Darn rich boys." The bus driver muttered, stopping to pick up another student.

"Zach, you Ok?" I asked him, noticing his mood changed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I promise." He assured me, his eyes gazing out the window.

Walking into school I headed straight to my locker.

"Sup beautiful." I heard next to me.

"If it isn't one of Jack's little minions." I said, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Come on Rain, dont be harsh." He said softly, getting closer to me.

"Back off Daniel, I'm not interested." I pushed him away.

Daniel's face turned red, the rest of the group behind him.

"You shouldn't have done that." He mumbled, Jack coming up behind me.

"Leave her alone!" Zach defended me, pushing Jack.

"What you gonna do nerd? Huh? Hit us with a calculator?" Jonah laughed.

That's when Zach lost it. He swung his fist at Jack faster than I could blink.

As Jack hit the ground the others backed off.

Jack held his nose as blood started dripping down his face.

"Look what you did you freak!" He yelled trying to get up.

"Dont mess with my best friend!" Zach threatened.

"Mr. Herron." We heard behind us.

As we turned, the principal already had his hand on Zach's shoulder.

Zach looked at the ground. He knew he was in trouble for this.

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