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Happy Reading :)

Third P. O. V.

Saying Ana was clinging onto him for everything will be an understatement because if possible she will eat up his private time of using the washroom. They wandered everywhere. Until the day they visit almost 70% of the places, Adi wrote down to get a thought of how they can do their work.

Just a couple more places to visit. It had over a week since they flew in Delhi but he got not even one chance to meet his family and he was way more mad at her than expected. One more cling worthy work done by her and he will rip her head off. Luckily, manager of the hotel, as well as the receptionist, were saving him from time to time.

His parents kept calling him to ask when will he be coming over to see them and he tried to explain but all they said was he can bring over his partner, they won't mind.

"Of course you guys won't but she is different. No- don't say. She is one of those you people must not meet."

They just laughed in response but warned him if he won't come around before going back, they won't return any of his calls.

"Fine, I will come. Just give me some time."

It was already evening, he slipped from hotel after writing a note for Ana,

"Ana, I am not feeling well. No need to be concerned, I guess lunch wasn't that light for my stomach. We arranged the evening and you must not waste it. Go ahead, the driver will be waiting for you, I already paid, so don't back off. It won't look nice and I won't be getting my money back so head to the dinner and enjoy this Delhi air on your own for the night and if medicines will work, I will see you there. -Adi."

Unexpectedly, she actually obeyed, wearing kurta, legging she purchased from Ambience Mall while doing their shopping. She actually went away just after Adi left to meet his family.

"Can you please tell Adi, that I am going to dinner and he doesn't need to panic about my whereabouts" in response receptionist smiled and nodded her head.

The receptionist called Adi to tell him that she actually went to his dinner preparation. He patted his back proudly. The distance between the hotel and his home wasn't too much but traffic was too much.

The distance which would have taken him half hour took him one hour to reach. His father opened the door as well as his arms for him to hug.

His mother stood next to the sofa placing food on the table and cushions on their place. He walked inside and gave a hug o his mother too.

"So how is everything going on?" His father asked walking over to where his wife and son were standing.

"Oh great! Just stuck in this project deeply."

"Oh yes. Sid told us whatever happened and hey, you got a better writer, so is everything fine now?"

"Yes. Kinda."

"Is she taking care of you?" Mother chimed in with a big smile.

"He told you guys that too?" He was surprised and a bit angry at the fact because he told Sid not to tell their parents anything related to Ana.

"Oh boy, it doesn't matter. If you are not happy how can we be happy?" His father gave him a broad smile and took his plate to serve his wife first and then himself.

His mother walked into her room as Adi sat next to his father, still discussing how the project will work out but he is still not happy with the work. He needs a pay raise, his HR promised him that they will discuss it before he will come to New Delhi but they never did. His father listened and told him if it is not working out, he might reconsider some another company.

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