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Dancing in couples was good but the best part was laughing and making goofy steps while dancing in a couple.

Sid did his best to keep Mansha laughing till the couples started changing their partners.

Girls were going from left to right within the circle and boys were going right to left outside the circle.

They kept on going saying hi to every stranger they met, danced decently and made small conversation if they came across a known person.

Mansha and Adi came in front of each other once again (at least after that Dev's scene). At first, they both were quiet but once they acknowledged each other they passed a smile.

They danced silently with each other until that decent dance turned into a proper couple dance. Being too close to her, he was happy but got an awkward feeling.

Happy because it was more like of first sight feeling, maybe a little but she knew there is something about him that pulls her. And awkward because she wanted to ask him for proof which she can show in her home to be on safe side.

He wanted to thanks her, to trust him without asking him and he wants to giver her a proof to keep herself on the safer side.

It was the first time when a stranger's eyes bewitched him yet they were super innocent, trusted him without any question.

"Don't you need any proof?" He finally asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah..." She muttered in response, unable to form an answer.

He pulled her out of the circle and she walked out with him without any hesitation.

That was enough for him to pull his phone out but forgot he didn't have her phone number or any other social media id to send her pics.

"Uh... But where... Uh.. am I going to send pics?" He stuttered as soon as the thought of not knowing number hit him. He was glad he clicked pics of Dev and Jenna before leaving the balcony.

She started laughing at what was going on in front of her. This guy who was so strong headed and became her armor in Dev's presence wasn't just a strong man but was nutcase too, he was stuttering in front of her and looked like a child but soon she shut her mouth and looked down on the floor when she noticed he was frowning at her. She apologized for her behavior.

"Chill, I'm not going to bite you", he replied with a smile in response to her apology.

She just nodded and pulled her phone out of her clutch.

"You can airdrop pics if you won't mind." She stated calmly.

"Okay but," he said and she raised looked at him waiting for him to finish and he looked at her amused.

"But what?" She asked confused.

"At first, you have to tell me why were you laughing at me just a few seconds ago." He asked a bit amused at her expression.

"Oh... Don't be like that." She replied a bit ashamed with her thoughts.

"Then you aren't getting those pics." He stated.

"Those pics are important to me. You know that. Please don't do that." She replied neared towards him, so she wouldn't have to scream.

He gestured to her to walk towards balcony so that they will be away from all the loud music that was going around and she walked with him.

"Ok. Ok. I will give you pics but at least give me some hint whether you were laughing at me or something else was running inside your head. Because I don't like to be on the joke but you can tell me, I promise I won't bite or scream at you, like at all and if I wasn't the one on whom you were laughing, I would love to laugh too."

He smiled down at her when he noticed how keenly she was listening to his ramble but wasn't stopping him from it. This time it made her laugh out a bit louder than the last time and then she gestured him to calm down.

"Uh.... You really don't want to know the answer." She said as he took her phone from her and airdropped the pics.

"Trust me. I do want to know." He said deadpanned.

"You won't get mad at me." She looked out in distance.

"Trust me I won't bite." He told her with a smile.

"I- uh... I was laughing at you." She said after taking her phone back and securing into the clutch.

"Why?" He asked with a pout. She laughed again at his childish behavior and told him the reason. He stroked his chin with his two fingers trying to look to be in deep thoughts as she looked at him. He thought for a second more and gave her a serious look but soon his lips curled up into a smile.

He let out a small laugh and gave her an assurance smile that he was fine.

"Oh. That. Uhh- I don't like any man hitting any woman, so I was like that at that very moment. And right now. Uh- I think it's your charm." He told her with a smile just making her smile at his last line.

"Uh- you are joking with me. Right?" She asked as she kept on smiling at his statement while looking down on the floor.

"Nah." He answered softly while looking at her but when she looked at him, their eyes met for a brief moment.

Both were still wearing the mask but neither one of them thought to pull their mask off or asked another one. It was like they had an unsaid agreement to keep their identity secured but to help her.

They were back to their silence as if even in their silence they were talking and were comfortable until Adi thought to get back in the ballroom because the temperature was dropping with every passing second and he wasn't interested in getting either one of them cold.

Just on the cue, Mansha broke the silence by saying Adi's thoughts out loud, "Uh- I think we should go back."

He looked at her as soon as her shivering mixed voice hit his ear. He looked at her now shrunken figure as she rubbed her forearm by her hands to keep herself warm. Then it hit him like a rock that he was wearing a suit and his hands were stuck in his pockets that's why he can't feel so cold.

"Yeah." He said unbelievably and started walking back into the ballroom with Mansha following him silently.

He swirled back on his feet but as Mansha was a few steps back which avoided colliding into each other.

Her eyes were scared and her hands were on her chest.

"Oh. Sorry. But are we going in because you are cold?" He asked so they could stay a bit more and have a conversation, so he could ask her name.

"Oh. Cold." She realized what made him think that as he pulled his coat off.

"Oh. No. My partner must be looking for me. It's too late now. I just.... wanna go back home." She showed her hand to stop him and stuttered as she was taken back by his gesture.

'Oh' was only think he was able to mumble.

It wasn't normal and that was the worst part. Normally he never runs out of words to say but this time he definitely did.


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