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Third P. O. V.

It wasn't just Mansha who was suffering from leaving the job.

"What do you mean she is not around?" Adi asked as he walked up and down the hallway in Mia's place.

"She left." Mia's voice was more like a whisper, scared of what might come next.

"You guys let her go!" He shrieked.

Mia and Sid looked at each other and most they could do was sink into the couch a bit more.

"Her family called her back," Sid spoke in defense.


"She is getting married so, her family and in-law's called her back," Mia stated to explain as to how could they were not able to stop her.

"But- God!" Adi ruffled his hair and sat down on the couch with an exaggerated sigh left his mouth. Helpless as all of them were, they just sat in Adi's living room, with a difference of Mia and Sid still a bit frightened and Adi in a mess to find a good writer before they give that tag to someone he doesn't want to work with.

"Uh- now?" Mia took a shaken up breath as she dared to ask and in response, she just got a look from Adi as if he wanted to point the most obvious answer in the world.

They sat there all together as Sid took a small nap, Mia went through her social networking sites and Adi just lets the world do whatever it wanted to do.

But days moved whether they wanted or not. Somehow, everything was falling apart, Justin left job, Mia was getting more and more work, Ana was hovering over Adi bit more as day passed, even though Adi made it clear to her after one meeting with Directors of office, that he is just not into relationship yet and he just doesn't like her so she should stop wasting her time on him and can find someone else for herself.

But it was like she just wanted Adi in her life at any cost. Ana took over the post after Justin left and she did everything to keep Adi and Mia away from each other.

She did all the work in advance whichever included Adi and Mia together and she wasn't only there for writing but also as his personal assistant, he never asked for. Being traveling a part of Ana and Adi's job, he couldn't leave her anywhere.

"I have got a new job", Mia broke the silence with a smile.

"What?" Sid and Adi quaked.

"I got a better opportunity so- uh- I will be leaving next month." Mia stammered.

"Is it because of Ana?" Adi gulped, scared he is right.

"No", she tried to hold onto and not make him feel guilty as she continued, "as you know, I have been in this organization for a long time now and I deserve a salary hike without adding up the work load. So, I interview in the new company and I got the job!" She sang and Sid gave a weak smile in response.

"This girl!" Adi hissed as Sid put his hand on Adi's forearm. Ana and Adi are meant to leave for India next day to collect some photographs and writing material for Ana's work. They are supposed to spend two weeks in India so they can bring all required material for clothing, magazines, some cultural traits for the new print of magazine and coming up the show of next month.

Meanwhile, Mia was in office coordinating everything with Ana and Adi, but according to everything that is going on, she will be only coordinating with Ana and a couple of texts with Adi. All the possible and necessary arrangements are already made by them regarding the plans of where to go and where not to go in these two weeks, Adi is frustrated but Sid is not letting go of any moment to tease him based on Ana is going with him and no one else.

Hotels, traveling routes, destinations, the budget for the trip and everything is defined with Ana over the tenth cloud and Adi wanting to bury himself alive deep in the ocean so she could just leave him alone on his own but uh- she would love to pick him out of ocean too.

They walked out for dinner and then back to their own places as they slept bit restless and bit peacefully. Adi packed up his stuff for the early flight to Delhi and then there was Mansha, doing everything everyone wanted still doesn't know what to do and what not to.

Came out to be, Ana waited for over an hour for Adi outside airport but Adi changed his way to the gate and let her hung outside. His family wanted him to stay with them but knowing what kind of feelings Ana has and how much his family is interested in his love life, he told them he is going to stay in hotel offered by his office which was true but he his heart wasn't interested in staying away from his family when he was so close to his family so he thought and planned to sneak out of everything for a while to meet his family while Ana will be trapped in her work and rest.

Ana tired of hanging outside airport made her way and caught glimpse of Adi standing at security check post and she quickly made her way to him but luck wasn't on her side, ladies' line was way longer than she expected.

It was bad on her side but good on Adi's side as he got some more time away from Ana but she wasn't one of those who will leave him so easily, she got their tickets next to each other.

"Surprise!" She exclaimed with joy as she showed her tickets in Adi's face who was sitting in peace next to the window.

His conscience was scowling at her but he tried his best not to let it be visible on his face. He smiled at her as she sat next to him but he pulled his phone out to plug in headphones leaving a scowl on Ana's face.

Rest of the ride was good, Ana and Adi slept, watched some videos, together, shared some laughter and food. Ana's feelings for Adi grew a bit more as he let her head sleep on his shoulder and held her hand when she stood up to take the bag. Sometimes small gestures mean more than expensive gifts.

They got off the plane and stretched though still drowsy after 15 hours of traveling. They made their way to get their luggage and then to the exit. Their cab driver was waiting at the exit gate holding a board with Adi's name on. They walked out of exit door. Adi stopped in his track as his passport slipped from his hand and then Ana took the lead when Adi pointed to the way and guy who was holding the board.

"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry." Adi exclaimed as he bumped into someone and she fell back.

"It is fi-", She was almost stood up but his head bumped into her arm again as he squatted to pick her belongings. She clapped her hands to get the dirt removed from her hands and then squatted and took his hand to stand up. She patted sleeves of her kurta as he picked up his and her stuff. Ana was scowling at them as they exchanged their sorry.

Ana took steps towards them as they exchanged a smile and walked on their way. Ana let go of the breath she was holding back to scream at the girl while Adi stood in his place looking at the retreating figure of the girl, just bumped into him.


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#500 in Romance as on 30 August, 2017

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