Chapter 12: True Intentions

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Legolas' eyes pulsed thoroughly with nothing but anticipation as his hands lose its grip, begging him to find a new one. His hands rugged as they always were, softened entirely, making his thoughts seep into reality where he lost full control.

The maiden, Alya's mind reflected her inner emotions as she ran hurriedly, unwilling to stop. She drew closer from one step to the other, fidgeting a paled thump to the floor, which her thinly slim legs forced every step upon, pushing her even further forward.

The guard, noticing her frail entrance turned to her while Thranduil did the opposite. Instead, he reached for his goblet of wine, facing his back towards the maiden.

"Daro!" the guard commanded, but the maiden could not possibly process this within her thoughts. Above all else she must and she believed she will save Thranduil and nothing was going to stop her.

"Daro!" the guard now shouted, his voice echoing with bitter command, witnessing her running towards him with no regard what-so-ever to stop.

She could not stop and refused to by anyone, as she finally zips passed him, forcing him to turn back abruptly and stop the maiden from whatever she planned to do. Her heartbeat intensified, fearing the very thing she planned to do, but could she? At this moment Legolas' breathing hastened, taking in shivering and hoarse breathes one after the other while his fingers tightened on the bow as his hands sweat with utter displeasure. With his vision faltering and his palms pacing frighteningly, his aim disfigured itself doubting himself from ever launching the arrow towards the maiden. Forcing a painful gasp, Legolas lowers his bow as he tilts his head to his right knowing he could not inflict pain upon her and immediately runs after her in pursuit.

Slowly viewing Thranduil from her rear, flickered her heart as her finger tips trembled abruptly. Her breath now staggering for more began to lose itself as her eye sight flung back to the orc who now released the arrow.

Legolas, with no doubt in his skillful abilities sees the arrow and dashes forward at all costs and more than ever did Alya fear the risk of dying, but that very thing she had wished all, but too long ago. Now she knew what to do finally attacking Thranduil who turned to her remotely before they both staggered to the floor. Thranduil's wine glass took a thud to the floor, a shard of light whisking the pure substance the goblet was entirely made of as the wine splashes against the distilled soil, beginning to spread elsewhere.

Suddenly both Thranduil and the maiden glimpsed to the guard, writhing in pain within arm's reach. An arrow had pierced his hide as he then collapsed to the ground.

Legolas, slightly behind the maiden's stead, glimpsed at the guard, his lips draining of blood and without hesitation flings his arrow towards the orcs direction, taking one sweep look at the orc in dead fast anger. Realizing his carelessness, Legolas hated how he could not save his fellow kin from such an attack and how he failed to have realized Alya's intentions and nearly killed her. Upset and fumed as he was, Legolas focused on his arrow piercing the orc at lighting speed to the point it had severed him really bad, but not to the brink of death.

Immediately the orc tumbled down, resting its head a midst of Legolas' feet. Without a seconds notice, the orc bursts up and makes an opportunity to grab the elf maiden, but Legolas was faster in his shape. His nails nearly reached the elf's back when Legolas swiftly trudges towards the orc, snapping the arrow's base from the creature's flesh.

Immediately after doing so, Legolas swoops to the orc's back, his hair dancing along with his body as strand by strand it began to willow cursively to and fro, and immediately plants his daggers on the orc's build. One to his neck and the other to the side of his abdomen. The orc shrieked in pain from what Legolas had done, urging his fingers to retract into a fist before reaching the maiden.

"Make the slightest move and you shall regret it," Legolas hastened his voice as he huffed a sigh of distraught panic. In an utter second, no one noticed his minds frail composition of that moments time.

Both Thranduil and Alya glimpsed towards Legolas making his swift approach towards the orc allowing Alya to slide away from Thranduil with utter haste, while Thranduil's main focus did not dissuade form the orcs disdained fall.

Alya slowly limped in her fair position to the side, her body reflecting the floors coarse material, pure, yet dark. Slowly, she did not falter. Her eyes softened at the sight of Thranduil before the ground. Helpless he was not, neither frail. His golden like fibril hair swayed esthetically downward as gravity does its job making him seem more beautiful, more radiant.

As regal and dominant as he was, he did not seem astonished, perhaps bewildered at most, but stiff and potent he was. Thranduil's sight did not leave Legolas 'till the maiden arched slightly forward towards his direction, the slightest movement distracting him instantaneously.

Alya's palm slowly ached for Thranduil's, wanting to feel the warmed of his touch and know he was alright. No one, but her knew this. Although clearly her expression could tell otherwise, she pressed on. It stretched downward making its way towards Thranduil in hopes of possibly joining palms, yet the elf maiden knew that would never happen.

In a second notice, Thranduil simply shifted his head away from the maiden, his hair curving and waving to his immediate reaction bringing his strands to a graceful pursuit. The maiden was not offended for she knew an elf like her couldn't possibly grace her king with even the touch of her fingertips.

The elf maiden began to continue to watch Thranduil as he lifted his hand, stretching his fingers in the process, his rings of silver and his gems of pure starlight began to glisten in reflection to his graceful movements. Slowly his hand flicked back and forth shooing the maiden's palm from his, making her retract it without second thought.

Hastily the maiden moved back hoping to give Thranduil his space as he then whisked himself off the floor and immediately pacing towards Legolas' side.

Immediately Tauriel and the guards sprung towards them, emotionless and pale as they halt before the king. Tauriel without thought slung herself close to Alya as she slowly supported her. One hand holding her arm and the other leaning against her back.

Alya slowly gained her strength to stand up, awkwardly and preserved as weakly as she deemed so.

Reader's Message:

Sorry this update took a really long time! I apologize profusely! Hopefully y'all still stay tuned and continue to read and vote for your favorite chapters! i promise you there is more to come, but i apologize in advance if it takes awhile to update! God bless always!

Thranduil's Desire (Lord of the Rings Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ