Still 16 years old

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Hades almost jumped a foot as he saw Eros. "Sorry, didn't know there was a sleeping kid." Eros whispered. Hades sighed.

"What do you need Eros?" Hades asked, leaning up against the couch.

"I'm here to get the kid. Sephy was told he went to Apollo wanting to drink. She doesn't trust him on his own." Eros told him, looking at Adi every time he shifted in his sleep.

"She's gonna have to come down here. Sorry, but, Adi isn't going to leave. You can't just pick him up like you did when he was four." Hades said softly. Eros frowned.

"Hades, come on, Seph is worried. I can't go back with no one." Eros whined.

"Eros, I can't let you take him. I can't go up with him and leave the underworld unattended. You will go up and tell Persephone that I can't take it anymore! If she wants to see me I'll be down here, with my son. Why she still trusts you is beyond my knowledge, but I sure don't." Hades looked back to make sure Adi was still asleep. "You almost took the most important thing in my life away from me and then you made yourself the uncle of my kid. You were the one who suggested Persephone stay in Olympus with Adi all those years ago, and it made it almost impossible for me to see my kid. You turned Persephone against me, and you still seem to think we're pal's or something. Get the hit, I hate you. You ever try to take Adi away from the temple, or if I hear you're any where close to Stxy again, I'll make sure to go down to Tartarus myself and bring him up. I'm sure he would be very happy to see you." Hades glared at Eros with a slight smiled. "Get out." He said quietly. "Get out!" He finally shouted and Eros flew fast, out of the temple and out of the Underworld.

Hades heard whimpering and looked to see Adi now with his head in his knees, crying. Hades quickly sat next to the couch and took Adi in his arms. Adi leaned into his shoulder and cried roughly. Hades just held onto his son and let him cry.

"I thought you were asleep, I would've told him all of that if I knew you were listening. I'm sorry Adi." Hades rubbed Adi's back a little bit. "You okay?" Adi leaned back onto the couch and sniffed.

"I'm okay, it just... hurts." Adi smiled weakly. It was then Hades turn to freak out.

"I just threatened to kill Eros didn't I?"


"And said I would go find Tartarus?"


"Persephone is going to kill me."

"If Gaia doesn't first."

"Not helping."

"Hey, just telling you the truth. Eros is kind of like her little brother." 

"Hades!" Hades and Adi both looked up as they heard the booming voice.

"Wait, thats not Mom." Adi ws confused and Hades was also, but a little less once he saw who it was.

"Aphrodite, hey, what brings you here?" Hades asked, shyly getting up.

"What did you say to my son, Hades?" Aphrodite pinned Hades to the wall.

"Just and Nothing but the truth." Hades Easily pushed himself down the wall and got crawled out from under Aphrodite's legs.

"Really? Then what was all the-" Hades was tried of this and intrupted Aphrodite.

"Did he not almost kill my wife? Did he not tell Zeus to keep Adi away from me? Did he not take my kid from me for years? Please, tell me I just lived through all that pain for nothing." Hades asked. Aphrodite stopped and looked at him.

"Well- I guess- That's not- Shut up Hades! I'm mad?" Aphrodite crossed her arms and huffed.

"MAd at me? Or at the fact that your son came whining to you?" Adi asked.

Hades glared at Adi.

"Adi, why don't you go to your room." Adi left and Hades sighed. "I'm sorry, Eros got under my skin. I didn't mean to yell at him, but he threatened to take Adi away. I know you know that feeling. I remember when you had to protect Anteros. That's all I'm doing. I'm protecting my little boy. Adi had to grow up without a real dad because of Eros." Aphrodite looked at Hades. His face was sincere.

"Hades, I'm sorry about Eros. But, I was actually set down here to tell you to go up and see Persephone. I think I'll go back up and get her. But, before I do that.." Hades sat down and Aphrodite stood over him. "When was the last time you slept! You are a mess! There are bags under your eyes and you have stubble! Get yourself together!" As Aphrodite Mom-ed Hades Adi laughed a little from the other side of the door.

Adi sat for a while and when he heard nothing he knocked on the door.

"Are you guys done?" Adi walked in and saw no one. "Dad? Aphrodite? Guys!" Adi ran out in front of the temple and saw no one. He  started to panic and fell to the ground. He started to breath heavy, his eyes shutting. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Adi! Breath.. come on, in and out." Adi started to breath and opened his eyes to see Hades. 

"Where did you go?" Adi coughed and Hades helped him up.

"I was still in the temple. You ran in and yelled for your aunt and I. You ran out and we ran after you. I found you on the ground coughing. Come on, I don't want you outside if something happened." Adi put an arm around Hades and walked in. Adi sat down on one of the couches and Aphrodite started to check him out.

"Hades, I need to get Hera down here. Even if Persephone won't come down I know she will." Aphrodite left and came back about an hour later with Hera, with someone else.

"Why did you keep him down here? What if he's sick, maybe the darkness is causing it. I wouldn't be supried." Hades groaned.

"Athena, what a pleasure." Hades said, sarcasticlly.

"The feeling is not mutaul. Now, why don't we get Adi out of this hole and make sure he's okay." Hades was about to say something when Adi inturupted him.

"I'm fine. And for your information, I think at this time being up on Olympus with all of those people surrounding me, I think this is better." Adi sassed. Athena stayed silent and Hera smirked.

"Hades, he seems fine. Why am I even here?" Hera asked with a small laugh.

"Well, now when you go back you can tell Seph that Adi is fine. She won't listen to me or Dite. Please just tell her that he's fine." Hades said.

"I'll do that, and next time I come down make sure it's for a good reason." Hera started to walk out and Adi stopped her.

"If Zeus is being an Idiot feel free to visit. I'm always free." Hera smiled.

"Will do." Hera walked out of the temple, leaving Athena glaring at Hades.

"Bye Sunshine, tell your who- I mean, father I said hi." Hades smiled and waved a little. Athena took in a deep breath and then stormed out.

"Did you just call Zeus a whore?" Adi asked, looking up at Hades. Hades shrugged.

"Like I said, I say the truth and nothing but." 

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