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"Little bother!" Hades groaned as he stepped into Olympus.

"Zeus, hi, just here to bring Adi up for the winter. I really got to get back to Persephone she's-"

"Oh, so you can have another kid, I get it." Hades froze.

"Excuse me, what?" Hades Whisper shouted.

"Thats why you two bring Adi up here every winter right?" Zeus smiled. "It's a smart plan, I would've done it." Hades wanted to scream, but the sleeping child in his arms made it impossible.

"Zeus, we don't do that. We just can't watch Adi when Persephone and I are busy with all the winter deaths. And, for one thing, I did not get Persephone pregnant, that was Eros!" Hades walked away and Zeus looked confused. Just as so, Hera came out and saw Adi.

"Hades, you're back up here, that's suprising. You want me to take Adi?" She said as she took Adi and walked away.

"Hades, since when did Eros become the father of Adi?" Zeus asked.

"You really don't pay attention, wow. So, you remember the thing with Eros and Psyche?" Zeus looked confused. "Okay, you remember when Eros stabbed himself with one of his own arrows?" Zeus nodded.

"Yeah, that was fun to watch. Apollo being all gental, trying to pull it out. Funny." Zeus laugehd a little.

"Sure, funny. Well, that was because of Psyche a beautiful maiden. Aphrodite was mad because she was apparently more beautiful than her. Aphrodite got mad, three atsks and here's the part that matters. The final task was to go and get some of Persephone's beauty. Well, Persephone knew the box was for Aphrodite and kind of put murder in the box. Pysche almost died and Eros wanted revenge.

"So, he went to Circe and got gods poison. He put it in with Rice and gave it to Persephone. Persephone got poisoned, I carried her to Olympus, the poison rice was taken, made into wine, and then drank by Persephone. Then she got pregnant from the rice wine. This, was all Eros's fault." Hades summarized.

Zeus sat for a second.

"So, you didn't get your neice / wife pregnant?" Hades shook his head.

"I've never once slept with her, had a child, no way. I onlt took her because of that dumb prophecy. Now, I need to get back to her. Please don't kill me kid." Hades left and Zeus sat thinking. He gasped and went down to the sea to see Poseidon.

"Hey Possy!" Zeus yelled.

"What little brother?" Poseidon said.

"Is Hades a virgin?" Poseidon nodded.

"Yeah, no, he's a virgin for sure. Think, you could have the god of the wind and sea! Why would you want king of the moles?"

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