16 years

12 1 0

Adi sat in Charon's boat. A few souls tagging along. He was about three meters from the shore when he saw Hades running out of the Temple after him.

"Adi!" Hades yelled. Adi laughed as Charon sped up a little bit.

Charon wouldn't admit it, but having Adi to take the punishment instead of himself, made it way easier to mess with Hades. Adi looked and saw the exit to Olympus in front of the river and looked back. Hades was on the shore, shaking his head with a frown. Hades looked up and waved to Adi with a weak smile. Adi waved back and looked at the entrance to Olympus. He was ready. Ready to talk to Zeus about not the gods, not the romans, not the greeks, not even the new people of the earth. But of one thing in particular.

Well, he was ready till he told Charon to turn it around and went back to the temple.

"I can't do this. I'm Not even a Demi-God!" Adi said, his eyes looking blood shot. Hades walked over with some water.

"First of all, no, you aren't a Demi-God. You are an actual god. In a Political sense, you could sentence Anteros to death if you wanted to." Hades said.

"Does that mean I could sentence Eros to death." Hades started laughing "

"Ha, no way. Eros will never die, and the only reason for that is because he can jerk Zeus around like a marienet. If Eros wanted he could take over the whole world, and anyone who got in his way would be powerless. Eros isn't even god, he's above god." Hades explained.

"Oh, is that why you hate him so much?" Adi asked.

"That and the fact that he almost killed Persephone." Hades said this calmly, but Adi was taken back.

"Wha- When did Mom almost die!?!" He yelled. Hades then realized something.

"Uh, if your mom hasn't told you I don't think I should." He coughed a little bit.

"Oh no! Now you're telling me. Come on, story or mytho now!" Adi sat on the couch and strecthed out on his back. He corssed his arms and smiled at Hades. Hades sighed.

"Okay, but, after I tell you, you have to go up to Olympus and ask your mother to tell you the story. I want to know what I was suppost to stay." Hades sighed one more time.

"Before you were born, way before, Aphrodite saw a beautiful women. Her name was Psyche, meaning Soul. She was the most beautiful being not of Zeus. Aphrodite at first was not threated, but the local men had started to worship Psyche instead of Aphrodite, so, Dite got pissed. She summoned her son Eros-"

"Wait, wait, but you said Eros was a being more powerful than god. How can he be a God and more powerful than god?"

"Okay, fine, let's explain Eros! Easy. In the begining there was only Chaos, in all of Chaos five were made. Tartarus, Gaia, Nyx, Erebus, and Eros. Eros was forgotten and was never found after the creation of Zeus! After long years, Eros was found again after the great Aphrodite gave birth to a boy and it grew in less than a day into a teenage boy with wings. Eros explained that before Zeus was made he was uneeded because you can not have love in chaos. So, thats how Eros is more than god and a God, and son of Aphrodite."

"So, how many times had he cheated death?"

"Too many times. Anyway. Aphrodite summoned her son Eros to make Psyche fall in love with a hideouse monster. When Eros went down he saw Psyche's beauty and stabbed himself with one of his arrows. Okay, some stuff happens and Aphrodite gets even more pissed. She ends up making her do a bunch of tasks. The last task was to take a box to the underworld and take some of Perephone's beauty. Son, do you know what your mother is the godess of?" Adi shook his head.

"Murder and something she can tell you about when your older. So, when Psyche got donw there and asked Persephone for some of her beauty for Aphrodite, Persephone was- I don't know how to say this otherr than confused. So, when she explained it to me, because she kind of... did something that made it impossible for me to keep thegirl out, she said Aphrodite had told a mortal to take her beauty even though she herself couldn't give it o her. So, your mother filled the box with the only thing she could. Murder. So, Psyche was stupid and oepedn the said box of murder. She died, but Eros got to come back and heal her. She became a god, and now she is a bigger slut than Aphrodite." Adi cough trying not to laugh.

"So, then, Eros thought that Persephone had tried to kill Psyche on purpose. So, he got some rice, used a gods posion on it, and gave it to Persephone. Persephone ate the posion rice, got sick, I brought her up to Olympus, got the posion oout of her system, turned the rice to wine, made her drink the wine, and then she got pregnant from said wine." 

"Wait, she got pregnant from Wine? That's not possible."

"Says the boy conseaved from that wine." Adi stopped and looked at Hades.

"So your not my actual dad?"

"Oh, no, I'm your dad. Eros used Tartarus posion which is basically my DNA and a little bit of water. I spent all the time with a pregnant godess. I spent the time taking care of you while I took care of the Underworld and fought in a war. I was the one who had to deal with the crying, the screaming, the tantrums, the fads, the depression, the summoning of demons, the god like child that you were. I had to deal with all of that, and the women who thought everything you did was going to get you killed!" Hades laughed a littled and Adi scooted into his chest.

"I love you papa." Hades put an arm around Adi.

"I love you to Little D." Adi looked up at his father adn frowned.

"What does Little D mean? You alway called me that, but never said why." Hades smiled.

"Zeus and Posiden made a bet that the first child I had would be a demonic beast. So, when they met you Zeus was all mad because he lost the bet and then you bit Posiden. It was adroible and Posiden and Zeus called you Little Demon. I call you Little D because Anteros met you when he was very young and could hear the A in your name do he just called you D. So, it's a little of both." Hades smiled and Adi frowned.

"Was I really that bad of a child?" Adi asked. Hades smiled.

"Yes you were, you were just stubborn. You didn't take no for an answer. I loved that about you, but your mother hated it. But, I was probably way worst than you." Hades sighed as he felt adi shift a little. He noticed that Adi was asleep.  Hades just smiled and slowly laid Adi out on the couch.

"Hades, why are you-" 

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