Not only is he is still feeling sleepy right now, I notice something off about him. He's smiling at me, while saying the prayers. WHAT!

"... no harm shall befall us today and from today all our problems and troubles, whether they come from man or spirit, they shall go back to the pit of hell and let us be. In Jesus Name"

"" everyone choruses. Except me.
Am still bewildered by this new attitude of his.

If there's one thing I know about my uncle, JK, then it's the point that he is mysterious. Scratch that. He is a mystery on his own. I mean, once he had made a phone call and I got an A in a course I had managed to pass with a D. And all I had to do was tell him, when he asked about my results. I know, and the call was made in my front. Creepy right?

Few minutes later, prayer was concluded and I hurriedly dash to my room and hasten to prepare for school. Mummy is still on bed so I have to go on my own. And I don't feel like cycling. Well I officially gave my bicycle to Joy after I was told that Jessica rode it back home from school on Wednesday last week.

When I am done with my preps, its twelve minutes past seven. I'm so going to be late for my first lecture. I walk out of my room and grab a quick snack then head towards the gate. I see Uncle there and greet him to which he nods and smiles broadly at me.

"Are you alright?" I ask him, feeling concerned.

"I am good, are you?" He asks back raising his eyebrows. That's weird.

"I gotta go" and with that I open the gate and step out totally ignoring his question.
What? I'm good for now, I bet I'll meet Chris at school and I'm sure that he already knows about Jessica's visit again. Ah, those drugs at the medical centre are all bad.

I take a bike to school and then a bus to my department because the school doesn't allow bike transport in the school premises. I really don't think that's necessary anyways.

I get to my lecture twelve minutes late and by the looks of things, I haven't missed a thing. The supposed lecturer hasn't even arrived yet. I should have just trekked here and save myself that forty naira.

I grab a seat and take it all the way to the back of the class just to have some moments of peace, well before trouble comes. I smell it already. That's why I have to hurry and relax my nerves a bit.

As I take my seat, Divine our course rep announces that there won't be lectures today since the departmental staffs are attending a burial or so today.

Well! Time to go, I think.

I stand up to leave, then I spot Chris. He is unusually quiet today and I'm sure he's aware of my presence in the hall but why hasn't he done anything yet. This may sound strange and stupid but I am used to the guy now and honestly I miss it. What! That's like the highlight of my days.

I get up and decide to talk to him. I know I may be wishing for my death but, the look on his face is asking for company. Or maybe not but quite the opposite. Or maybe he's playing a trick. Where are the girls that used to characterise him. Ah! A trick.

I turn and start walking away. As fast as I can!

"Jay" What?

"Jay, wait!" I stop on my track and turn to see who is calling me.

"Chris?" Of course, who else calls me Jay. Trouble

"There's something I want to tell you" He says and bends his head like he's ashamed to look at me. Nah, I think he's ashamed of me.

"Please, I am sorry for everything I did to you. I'm really sorry, please..." He looks at me almost crying. I swear I see tears welling up in his eyes. "Forgive me." Wow, this guy is wasting his talent here studying microbiology when he should be studying theatre arts or something. He's quite an actor.

"I know you may not want to forgive me," Wrong.

"Or that I don't deserve forgiveness," Wrong.

"Or that you think I'm trying to pull another trick on you" Bingo!

"But I really am sorry and I mean it" There we go again!

"And I promise, I'll never do such to, not only you, but to anybody ever again" Bravo, you nailed it! Dude you should reconsider your course of study.

"Jay, are you even listening to me?" Of course I am.

"Can I slap you?" I ask him. Maybe that'll pull out from his drama.

He bends his head. "Of course". I slap him really hard and when he looks up we're both crying. Yeah me too. That slap felt so good and if all this turns out to be a trick, the slap would be worth it.

"I'm really sorry" he says amidst tears. Jesus! What happened?

I wipe my eyes and look at him blankly. He begins to wipe his when I ask him.

"Are you serious?" To which he simply nods with his head still facing the ground. "You're forgiven, then" Hei! Don't blame me, I can't keep a grudge.

"For real?" He asks almost bubbling with happiness. I just look at him still searching for any sign at all.

"Yeah, for real" I assure him.

"So, can we be friends again, please?" I knew it. He's up to something.

"Not really, goodbye." I tell him and start walking away.

When I step out of the entrance, I look back and see him st a corner, reading. What!? Something fishy is going on here. What happened to Chris.

I'll figure that out later, but for now I think I have to go home. As I turn to leave, I see Jessica. She's been moody today but at least her case is not as mysterious as Chris'. She looks up and sees me and I notice just one thing.

She's been crying...

Boooooo!! Chris is back. I don't like this.

Question: Has Chris really changed? Or is something big about to go down?

What a heartbreak. Take heart Jessy. I have no control over Jerry. If you ask me, I'd say Jerry's gone Rogue!

Don't forget to:





Love y'all.

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