Chapter 39

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Dawn and Fili were thrilled that at last they were going to be united as one. They wanted to be wed as soon as they could. There was no question in Dawn's mind when she made Sigrid, Nendes and Tauriel her bridesmaids. Though she never attended one, Dawn wanted their wedding to breath tradition. As soon as more settlers came to the kingdom, many seamstresses and miners were tasked to make the finest clothes and jewelery. For the bridesmaids, their dresses would be emerald green. Fili chose Kili, Bain, and Bilbo for his groomsmen. By tradition they wore armor of Mithril.

As the planning began, Dis was mostly in charge, as usually the mother of the groom is. But she always had Dawn with her to get her say. The girl now had several ladies in waiting, but she always was with her three bridesmaids.

The hardest part of the process was the rule that the bride and groom were not to see each other until the wedding day. The only time Fili ever got the slightest sight of her presence was when she passed the hallways with her new entourage. This made the anticipation even greater. The only person who had access to both Dawn and Fili was Bofur. Every day they would ask him how the other was doing, and he would say that they were fine.

When the day finally came, all of New Erebor began to get ready for the grand day. For this was no ordinary wedding, but a coronation as well. The king was to gain a beautiful queen, and the White Council was to gain a powerful enchantress. The shops were either closed or selling last minute items for the wedding. 

The ceremony was set up in a private little room. By tradition only family and the kingdom's most elite attended. Radagast was the acting minister,  Nendes, Tauriel and Sigrid were the maids of honor, and Kili, Bain, and Bilbo were the best men. Bofur took the role of 'father of the bride'. Then of course there was Princess Dis, every noble member and the entire company were in attendance as well. Gandalf sat with Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, and Saroman.

Fili was escorted with his down the aisle by his mother, and he sat her down in her seat. Kili escorted Tauriel (to his enjoyment),  Bain escorted Nendes, and Bilbo escorted Sigrid. Little Tilda acted as the flower girl, happily sprinkling the aisle with bright blue flower petals. When everyone was in position, Fili began to lightly bounce in his toes in anticipation. It had felt like years since he had last seen Dawn, and he felt all forms of emotions that he could not even begin to explain.

"Relax, my boy," Radagast said in a whisper to him. "If I know my Dawn she is just as nervous."

"I don't know why I am so nervous," Fili replied. 

"No shame in it."

The sound if people standing got his attention and he turned around. At the other side of the aisle was Bofur with a woman wearing a beautiful midnight blue gown and matching veil. In tradition and pst royal weddings, most were arranged, and the groom was forbidden to look at his bride's face until the father removed it from her. Though there was no reason for him to doubt that it was truly Dawn, Fili couldn't help but feel more nervous.  

When they finally approached the alter, Bofur smiled at Fili, then slowly moved the veil from the girls head, revealing Dawn's beautiful face. Radagast and Bofur took her hands and placed them in Fili's hands. 

"Let us begin," Radagast said. He nodded to Bofur, who cleared his throat. "Do you, Fili of Erebor, promise to never fail Dawn of the Blue Mountains and Rhosgobel, while in your pursuit of law, wealth, and love?"

"I, Fili of Erebor, promise to never fail Dawn of the Blue Mountains and Rhosgobel, while in my pursuit of law, wealth, and love." he said three times, as part of the ceremony. The two then knelt down to the floor and joined their hands as they said their vows.

"Now, do you take each other, in sickness and in health, till Valar grants you the key to the gates of the white shores?"

"I do," the two said.

"Do you swear to love each other, take care of each other, work together, and die for each other?"

"I do." They couldn't help but smiled, and they felt that they had already experienced that, but they were more than willing to do it again and again.

"Now, the true reunion of the families, where two shall become one. Please, bestow your hands." Radagast then preceded to cut a slight slit on Fili's right hand and Dawn's left. They then held each other's cut hands and smiled. They were finally one. Dawn could not help but give a faint giggle. All Fili could do is look at her, and bask in her beauty.

"Now, stand," Radagast said. The two stood, still with their hands together, with grand smiles upon their faces. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife." The crowd cheered and applauded as the two kissed passionately. It finally happened. Fili was with Dawn. His friend, his love, his savior, and now his wife. When the kiss ended, they embraced happily. 

They then were lead to the grand balcony by Gandalf and Galadriel where they were presented to the citizens of Erebor, where they cheered in joy. Gandalf then presented a beautiful circlet of silver with an emerald gem in the center. Fili stepped aside as Dawn knelt, and Gandalf placed the crown on her head. 

"Now come the days of the Queen," he spoke with a mighty voice. 

"May they be blessed with the White Council as her ally, and citizens as friends," Galadriel added.

As Dawn rose, she turned and stepped forward, with a presence of glory. "Hail Dawn, Queen!"

"HAIL DAWN, EMERALD OF EREBOR!" the crowd shouted. Dawn raised her hand, and the crowd silenced. 

"This is the beginning of a new era for all of our kind, and let us precede with generosity, loyalty, and love for all, big and small," she said with gentleness and might. "And I swear, with Valar as my witness, I shall act for the good of all. As Queen of Erebor, and member of the White Council."

The crowd then cheered as loud as their mighty voices could carry. A grand day this was indeed. Fili then stood with his bride, and they raised their hands intertwined together. 

"Hail, the rulers of Erebor!" As the crowd cheered, Fili and Dawn looked to each other.

"I love you, King of Durin," Dawn said.

"I love you, Emerald of Erebor," Fili replied. With that, the couple kissed passionately. They were one, and it was the best thing either one of them could feel. And that was all they cared about. They were one.

"Tea is at four, there is plenty of it...don't bother knocking," Bilbo said to his friends with a laugh. Ori bestowed to him three drawings: one of himself, one of both princes, and one of Dawn, with the emerald colored into her eyes. But just before he could turn, there entered the king and queen with the prince close by. 

"Did you honestly think you could slip past us?" Kili said with a laugh.

"I assumed that you would be busy," Bilbo replied. 

"We would never let someone leave without a proper farewell from us," Fili said. Dawn then stepped forward, and took Bilbo's hand. In it, she placed her old emerald necklace. The hobbit looked up to her in shock. "So you'll remember me," she said with a glimmer in her eyes.

"You cannot give me this," Bilbo insisted.

"It is mine to give to whom I wish," Dawn replied as she closed her hand. She then tightly embraced him, and he returned the gesture. "Farewell, Master Baggins." When they separated, Dawn gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. Bilbo preceded to say goodbye, and he was off, with Gandalf nearby, back home to the Shire. 

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