Chapter 26

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Thorin was in a balcony looking spot overlooking over his treasure, as his company mined through it in search of the one thing that would make his right to rule official: the Arkenstone. The only ones he had allowed to rest were Dawn And Bilbo. Dawn mostly because he couldn't find her, and Bilbo had enough time in there, especially with a dragon. He felt that of Bilbo searched with the others it might awaken a horrible memory.

"Any sign of it?" Thorin only got results that he didn't desire. It was not seen. He grunted and rolled his eyes at the lack of effort. "The Arkenstone is somewhere in these halls! Find it! No one rests until it is found!" He didn't even notice the horrid expression on Bilbo's face. Finally, he had to step outside. He took a seat on a piece of rubble, and remembered Smaugs words when he first encountered the Arkenstone.

"I am almost tempted to let you take it...if only to see Oakenshield suffer. Watch it destroy him. Watch it corrupt his heart, and drive him mad!"

Bilbo then reached for his pocket inside his coat, and began to fiddle with his secret: the Arkenstone. Ever since the dragon was defeated, he was debating with himself on whether to give it to Thorin, or to prevent him from finding it. He then heard faint footsteps, and he quickly his the stone.

"You alright?" Bilbo turned to find Dawn looking at him with concern, and wearing an amethyst colored gown.

"Y-yes," he stuttered. But of course she knew he was lying. It was all over his face.

"No your not." She then sat beside him, and stared straight to the view. "Your not the only one concerned with Thorin." Bilbo felt a bit more relieved that she did not suspect him. But she did know about his concern.

"I don't know what's worse: his obsession, or his distance. Not to mention him making everyone but us search." Bilbo nodded in agreement. Lately, for an unknown reason, Thorin had been making the others work more than the two of them. And they were to always be near him. If the kingdom was active, it would look as if they were his highest advisors.

"Let's not think about that now. For now, let's just see the success we made on getting here." Dawn nodded and smiled.

"I better go. Bofur wants to meet with me and Fili." With that she left, leaving Bilbo to once again look at the Arkenstone.

Down in Bofurs quarters, Fili and Dawn sat together across Bofur. The couple were a bit awkward as there wasn't much to say, as Bofur was busy writing something down on an old piece of parchment. When he finally finished, he handed it to Fili. "That should do it."

The two looked at the parchment, and Dawn was a bit surprised to see that it was a courting contract.

"As you know, I accept you two. But if you are to be together, you're going to do it right. I assume you know the three stages?"

"There's declaring the desire to court, braiding, and a heroic deed," Fili recited. Bofur nodded with approval.

"And as the consorts guardian. I give you my blessing to begin." Fili then stood up, only to kneel down in front of Dawn.

"Dawn, would you do me the honor of beginning a courtship?" Dawn smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

"You need to speak, lass," Bofur said.

"Yes. I accept."

"Wonderful. Now run along."

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