Chapter 25

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The journey was longer than the small group hoped. Based on the events that had just occurred in Laketown, it was safe to say that the company look less than a day to reach the entrance of the mountain. Their journey took what seemed like at least three days. Perhaps it was the fact that that they did not have a strict deadline, or the possibility that they were going in a different direction than the others. They made no rest stops, nor time to eat or drink. But it seemed all worth it once they reached the entrance. Not the secret one that the others were looking for. The real one. But what once was made of strong rock and stone, now had a dragon sized gaping hole. The company ran into the fortress, and stepped foot on the ruble covering the floor. not a sound was heard.

"Hello!" Bofur yelled, leaving an echo through the halls. "Bombur? Bifur? Anybody!" The echoing made matters worse, as it gave everyone the sense that there were no survivers around. Dawn took Fili's hand and grasped it tightly. Though she knew that the fearsome dragon that once lived there was now at the bottom of the fallen Laketown, she could not stand the isolation of the place. She did not know why, but her childhood fear of isolation was returning to her at this very moment. That is not to be confused with claustrophobia. She could handle small spaces. What she couldn't handle was being alone. Perhaps it was the fact that she had spent so much time with the company that she forgot about this, but it suddenly rushed through her like a flood. She continued to hold Fili's hand to reassure herself that she was not alone in the fortress. Fili looked over to her, and returned the grip.

"Don't worry. I'm here."

The small group began to search. Through great halls and small, to thin passages. Just as the group began to lose hope, they heard a familiar voice to their relief.

"Wait! Wait!" Dawn's face lit up as she saw Bilbo come out of the shadows and approach them.

"It's Bilbo!" she said to Fili.

"He's alive!" Bofur added.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Once Bilbo came close enough, Dawn embraced him. ANd although the hobbit was overjoyed to find the others alive and well, he separated from the girl to say his message.

"You need to leave. We all need to leave!" he said in a serious tone.

"We've only just got here." Bofur stated.

"I've tried talking to him, but he won't listen."

"Wh-What do you mean, laddie?" Oin asked.

"Thorin!" Bilbo finally snapped! Perhaps it was the silent nature of the fortress or the unnatural behavior of their friend that made all of them back away.

"Thorin. Thorin, He's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself. Not at all. It's's this place. I think a sickness lies upon it." As he was saying this, Fili looked at the path ahead, ans saw a trickle of ight, and the sound of clinking.

"Sickness?" Bofur asked.

"What kind of sickness?" Kili demanded. Fili at this point took Dawn by the hand and the two began to descend the stairs, while the young dwarf ignored the hobbits calls to him. They finally approached a room, and stopped in their tracks. It was almost completely flooded with gold and riches beyond the belief of anyone's imagination. There were torches lit in all awailable spots, and trails made. Dawn looked at Fili, who gazed at the treasure in disbelief, bt not in a good way. Finally, when the others had caught up to them, they too began to stare. Bilbo looked as well, in disappointment that they did not heed his warning. Just then, a figure came in a grand navy blue cape. It seemed a while for Dawn to realize that it was Thorin.

"Gold." he softly said. Although he was at a normal volume, it seemed as though he were shouting due t the silence of the kingdom. "Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow...and grief." Thorin looked up and finally realized the true presence of the others. "Behold the great treasure hoard of Thror." Fili looked at his uncle in complete disbelief to his uncle. Bilbo was right, there was a sickness upon him. He had not fully talked to his uncle since his arrival, and yet he could already sense it. Thorin then threw something towards him and his brother, which Fili caught. The object was revealed to be a large ruby.

"Welcome, my the kingdom...of Erebor." There was silence for quite some time. That was until Thorin turned away, and gave a demand to Bilbo.

"Take them to the others. I'm sure their reunion is needed. Then, lead them to their chambers." Bilbo nodded, though he knew Thorin could not see, and lead the others away, while Thorin once again began to marvel at his treasure.

Bilbo led them to a room where several faces appeared. As they look a sight of each other, all embraced as they were thrilled to find them all safe and unharmed. Bilbo then took the girl by the hand, and then embraced her lovingly.

I apologize for not greeting you properly earlier." Dawn shook her head and smiled.

"There's nothing for you to apologize for. You had to tell us something important." Dawn looked around to see if they were alone in conversation.

"How long has e been like this?"

"Since Smaug fell into the lake. But it's like episodes. There are moments where he is his normal self, but now its less and less." Dawn frowned. She didn't want to admit it, but she was afraid of what Thorin might do. She heard of many stories of how Thror turned from a noble king to a crazed monster consumed by his greed of gold. She remembered when she was little, Radagast had told her a tale about Thror, and the last Balorat Su.

According to the story, there was a time when the dwarves of Erebor and the elves of the Woodland Realm lived in harmony, and even traded in goods. One day, King Thranduil had came to Thror in search of the white gems of Lasalen, an old heiroom of his people. At first, it seemed that Thror was happy to give them to him. That is until, he caught a glimpse of his wife, the previous Balorat Su. He then made a horrid compromise. Trade his wife for the jewels, for in is eyes, he saw the queen as a priceless artifact rather than a person. One that would tell him the future of new findings. Naturally he refused the deal. So they left. And then, on a horrid day, Thrors madness finally came public to the world, and he sent out a hunt to find the Balorat Su, and make her a permanent part of his collection. And due to this, there came a battle, which the elves won. From that point on, the dwarves and elves ended trade with each other, and when the dragon came and the elves refused to help, that sealed their hatred of each other. The elves hated the dwarves for Thrors actions. The dwarves hated the elves for Thranduils actions.

"Dawn, you alright?" Bilbo questioned. Dawn snapped out of her daze, and came back to earth.

"Sorry, I got distracted. What is it?"

"Come with me, I need to bring you to your room." Dawn followed Bilbo to a hall where several bed chambers were, and to her surprise, a view of the outside world. And it was glorious looking. Finally they approached a door with beautiful carvings upon them. Once the door was opened, Dawn opened her eyes in amazement.

The room was a sort of green marble. In the center was a gorgeous beg with a canopy of silver as well as the sheets. There was a bookshelf, full of fine leather books from the greatest writers. There was a large vanity with drawers filled with precious jewelry. And in a large closet, there were hundreds of beautiful gowns and shoes.

"Thorin told me to have this room yours. Apparently this was his sisters room. Back when they still lived here." Dawn looked around. Not only was she going to sleep in the room of a princess, but what once belonged to Fili's mother. She then made a promise to herself that she would treasure everything in the room. Until the faithful day that she would meet her.

"Why don't you try on one of the dresses?" Bilbo questioned. Dawn gave a questioning look. "I'm only saying because of...that." Dawn looked down and saw that the little modified outfit that Tilda had made for her was now in no condition of wearing. This made her giggle a bit. As she looked at her options, she thought it would be nice to wear close that were suitable for her, and not for a long journey.

"Alright. But I'll need my privacy, if you wouldn't mind." Bilbo gave a chuckle and began to leave the room. "I'll come get you soon." He then closed the door.

Now that Dawn was alone, she looked through the closet to find something suitable. She then found a dress that almost whispered to her 'Wear me'.

"That'll be just fine."

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