Chapter 30

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"...all I ask is that you allow Dawn to take refuge in Dale," Bilbo said. After telling his tale, all four in the room were in shock. Before an answer was heard, Thranduil got up from his chair and room his sword, ready to charge.

"I'm gonna kill him! I'm going to kill that dwarves scum!" Thranduil shouted. But he was soon stopped by Nendes.

"My lord, please. It is not wise for you to go there alone. Let alone at night."

"You expect me to watch her tormentor succeed in something his grandfather tried to with my wife!?" he shouted.

"I suggest you to be reasonable, and wait." the captain advised. Thranduil looked to the young elf, then back at the others in the tent, then directly at Bilbo. "We shall allow her to take refuge here."

Bilbo sighed with relief. He and Gandalf then left leaving the leaders and Nendes alone. Thranduil then looked upon Bard and Nendes, rage still in his eyes.

"I promise that he will pay for this," he said. "Whether by my hand or anothers."

After being fed and given a place to sleep, Bilbo began to scheme a way to get out. He knew he could not be seen. He could use the ring, but then it would be too suspicious if he was gone so soon. Plus, he knew he was being watched. Though it was obvious that Alfred wasn't the best guard, it still put another issue on the list.Just then, Nendes entered the tent.

"You alright?" she questioned.

"I need to leave. Thorin can't suspect that I'm gone." Nendes began to think. Then, a thought came to mind. She whispered it to the hobbit.

"I think it'll work," he said.

The plan was that when Alfrid fell asleep, Bilbo would meet Nendes at the path that led to Erebor. Then she would take him back. Once Bilbo entered, he would say that Nendes was outside. When Thorin would come, Nendes would ask for him to reconsider. And when he would naturally refuse, she would leave, and Thorin won't even ask where Bilbo has been.

"Meet me at the path once Alfred is asleep," said Nendes. And with that, she left the hobbit in his tent.

A short while later, Bilbo looked outside to see Alfrid asleep in front of his tent. He didn't even bother to be quiet when he left. He headed for the path where he came. There waiting was Nendes with a beautiful black stallion.

"Handsome horse," Bilbo complimented. The elf smiled, then picked the hobbit up like a small child and placed him on the saddle. Then she got on, and began to ride. They simply trotted over to the gates. When they stopped. Nendes got off, and helped Bilbo off.

"Thank you," said Bilbo. Nendes nodded, and then headed for the opening where she would speak to Thorin.

Bilbo then began to climb up the rope he previously descended from. Once at the top, he found Bombur asleep. He quickly awoke after Bilbo tapped him.

"Bombur, someone is out there." Bombur stood up and slowly approached to edge to see Nendes at the bottom. Surprised, he began to run down the stairs. When he returned, Thorin was far ahead of him, with something sparkling in his hand. He peered to the open hole to see Nendes.

"Who are you, and what do you want, elf?" Thorin spat.

"I am Nendes, captain of the guard. On behalf of the elves of Mirkwood and the citizens of Laketown, I ask that you reconsider your decision." Thorin chuckled.

"I want my kingdom free from invaders, Bard the dragon slayer wishes for my gold, and you and your elf filth..." Thorin paused as he dangled a necklace covered in the white gems in front of him. "...want these returned." Nendes showed no expression, yet was surprised at the sight of the gems.

"Well you can tell your king that my mind has not changed..." Thorin then began to swear in dwarvish. Nendes showed anger towards this, and returned the swear in elvish. She then got on her horse, and road off.

Meanwhile, Ori, Fili and Kili were with Dawn. Ori managed to take Oin's supplies and take care of most of her bruises, and her hand. Kili explained the story of what was happening to Dawn to Fili, and shockingly was not mad. Perhaps it was because Dawn asked, but he would never know.

Ori and Kili left the room, but before Fili could get up, Dawn took his hand. "Please stay with me," she whispered.

Fili sat down once more. He placed his hand on her cheek. "I'll stay with you. But you must rest. I'll be with you." Dawn continued to look into Fili's eyes. Tears began to fill in hers. She then kissed him lightly, and embraced him tightly.

"I'm so afraid, Fili. Afraid of the monster possessing Thorin," she sobbed. "And what's worse is that I know he's still there. But I don't know when I'll see the day he'll return." When she let go, Fili cupped her face, and wiped away her tears.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm here. Nothing is going to touch you. Not tonight." Dawn calmed down, and lightly smiled. The two then kissed. Gentle yet strong. When they separated, Dawn played down, and Fili placed the blanket over her. He then then layed down next to her, and watched her fall asleep. And while asleep, she ended up moving herself, resting her head on Fili's chest. Just like the night when they heard the orcs from a distance. Fili smiled, as he himself slowly drifted to sleep.

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