Chapter 4

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Finally, the rain had stopped and the sun revealed itself from the grey clouds that concealed it for so long. This later revealed a small hill of pure green goodness, with what appeared to be the remains of a burnt house. To Dawn, it seemed like the perfect place for wildlife to roam. But for some reason, no wildlife roamed for at least a mile from that area. Not even insects. But she soon put the observation at the back of her head when she heard Thorin give orders.

"Dawn, get some firewood." Dawn nodded and headed for the woods. She found many good sticks and twigs. Almost impossible for it to be all there easy to find. So she gathered as much as she could and left the forest. She then approached the camp, and place the wood down next to some of the other supplies.

Meanwhile at the spring, Fili and Kili sat on the edge of the water. Since they were going to watch over the ponies, they had a bit of time to relax.

"You know, Dawn has been getting close with you a bit," Kili said. Oh god not this again.

"What makes you say that, matchmaker?" Fili said sarcastically. "You're close with her too."

"Yeah. But she's more like a sister. You have a closer bond." Kili then turned around and looked at Dawn as she was talking to Bofur. Fili looked in the same direction. Her hair shined in the sunlight, and her eyes glittered as she laughed.

"You are more determined on her protection than even Bofur."

"Is it wrong to obey Thorins' orders?" Fili said

"You care about her," Kili said with a cheeky grin.

"Let's go. The suns setting and we need to watch the ponies." With that Fili got up and headed towards the ponies. Kili just continued to smile.

"You're not getting out of this conversation!" Kili chuckled out. Fili ignored it, and went to the ponies.

Later that night, they experienced a problem. A large problem. There were 14 ponies visible, but there were supposed to be 16. Bilbo came and with a bit of persuasion, went to investigate the culprits: three mountain trolls.

"Kili, you stay here and watch to see if Bilbo's in trouble. I'm getting everyone else." Kili nodded and the two separated. As Fili approached the camp, Thorin was a bit concerned on why Fili came.

"Fili, why aren't you watching the ponies with Kili?" Thorin questioned.

"Trolls. There's a camp nearby and they took four of the ponies." As Fili looked around, a thought came to his mind.

"Where's Dawn?" Fili asked with a shake in his voice.

"S-She went to check on you and Kili," Bofur replied. Fili stopped all thoughts and motion he could of had. Dawn . In the woods. 'Oh no,' he thought.

"All of you, arm yourselves! Fili, you go find Dawn," Thorin said. Fili then ran into the woods once more to look for Dawn.

"Dawn! Dawn! Where are you!" But no answer came. And as if he wasn't more terrified, a scream if terror ripped through the wind. Fili followed it, hoping what he was thinking was false.

But he was wrong. He found the cause, which was a troll clutching onto a terrified Dawn. She screamed once more, only for the troll to get a tighter grip around her waist. "Shut up!" it scolded. Normally Fili would pounce and attack the troll, but he feared he would only cause the troll to hurt her more. So he followed the troll back to the camp. There he saw Bilbo also in peril. He was being hung upside down and being questioned.

"Are there any more of you's hiding about where you shouldn't?" one asked

"No," Bilbo lied

"He's lying. I just found another." The troll then held Dawn up to the other two to show his evidence. Bilbo looked with a terrified expression.

"Dawn," he muttered. Just then Kili jumped out, demanding them to be let go. So one of the trolls threw Bilbo right on top of Kili, therefore making a grand entrance to the rest of the company. As for the troll holding Dawn, he threw her against a tree. She screamed out in pain, and then stayed still. Fili could only imagine the worst. He rushed to her. Oh god please let her be alright. He crouched down to the girl, and shook her.

"Dawn! Are you alright! Dawn!" As he said those words the girl got up.

"I'm fine." Fili then took her hand and ran into the woods farther from the troll camp. He then stopped behind a boulder that was far enough from the camp.

"Dawn, listen to me. I'm going back there to help. You stay here and don't move an inch. Do you understand? Do not leave this spot." Dawn nodded and Fili left. Leaving her alone. During this time, Dawn could hear nothing. She was too far to listen.

'Why am I so stupid,' she thought to herself. Why did she go out there to begin with? To check on them? Ridiculous! She knew they were to be alright. But why did she go. And then, she thought.

Fili. She thought of his dirty blonde hair braided in different ways. His brown fur coat with a light tan fur inside. All of his weapons were hidden inside his apparel, but visible enough for someone with an expert eye. His sparkling blue eyes that showed all the bravery and honesty in the world. She remembered his words, not just to follow their order, but to remember the sound of his voice.

"Dawn, listen to me. I'm going back there to help. You stay here and don't move an inch. Do you understand? Do not leave this spot."

She remembered the look of concern in his eyes when he went to check in her when the troll threw her against the tree. So for the entire time, she planned to think of Fili, until he came back to get her.

A while past and Dawn was becoming concerned. She could see the sun slowly rising to its peak. And from there came a familiar face. Not Fili. Not Bofur. Gandalf.

"Dawn. Why are you out here? Where's the rest of the company?" he asked.

"There was a troll camp nearby and they got Bilbo. When they went to attack Fili brought me here and told me not to leave this spot. But it's been a long while. I'm about to fear the worst."
She had a shake in her voice.

"I know what to do. But you'll have to move from this boulder."

"B-But Fili told me to stay here."

"You'll still be here. But the plan will not work if you are there." Dawn nodded and stepped aside. She then saw Gandalf climb the bolder until he was at the top.

"The dawn will take you all." he said in a mighty voice. He then slammed his staff on the boulder making it break in half, revealing the sun. There then was screams of pain, and then, complete silence. Gandalf then walked off the boulder.

"You better come with me now. Some need assistance." As Dawn approached the camp, she saw three trolls turned to stone, and half the company in sacks if they were not on a giant log over a fire. Dawn hurried to Bofur, who was on the log. When she got him down, it seemed he was more concerned about her rather than himself.

"Are you alright, lass." Dawn nodded an replied yes every time he asked that. As she looked for Fili, she found him untying Kili from his sack. Dawn ran to Fili and wrapped her arms around him and sounded like she was sobbing.

"I was so scared for you." Fili was stiff for a second. But then he felt warm with her. He then returned the hug.

"We're alright."

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