Thirteen: "I'm Sorry"

Start from the beginning

He nodded, "That's good," he took a clipboard from the table and I watched him for a moment.

"Did you call my wife?" I asked.

He looked at me then sighed, "No," he sat the clipboard down. "It went to voicemail, and I tried calling several times," he stared at me. "Do you have any other numbers I could call?" he asked.

I didn't know Dinah's number by heart or anybody else's. I didn't even know Sofi's. That was terrible.

I shook my head and heard him sigh, "I'll keep calling," he suggested as he grabbed the clipboard and looked at me. "The nurse will bring you some lunch in a few minutes," he picked up a remote. "You can turn the TV on and watch whatever you want to," he also showed me some buttons on the remote and what they do.

After he left, I decided to watch some TV to pass the time. I already know that there wasn't anything on but I decided to occupy my mind with something.

I couldn't stop thinking about Lauren though. I couldn't imagine the pain she went through when she heard about what happened. I wonder if anybody else knew about it, or was it just her?

Now that I think about it, who brought me to the hospital? Who knew that I was at Louis' house?

As these thoughts were running through my mind, I heard the door open and a nurse walked in with a tray of food. I wasn't hungry but when I saw that food, my stomach started growling.

I smiled at her as she walked to the bed. "Can you sit up?" I shook my head and she nodded, "Ok, that's fine sweetie," she sat the tray down on the table for a moment and she faced me. "You can adjust the bed with the remote," she showed me on the remote and I felt like a dumbass for not realizing before. Even the doctor didn't point that out when he was showing me the buttons.

I pressed a button and the top of the bed rose up enough for me to be sitting up. The nurse smiled at me and placed the tray on my lap. I thanked her and watched as she walked out.

I began eating and watching TV, and after while when I got done, I called the nurse back in to take the tray away. After she left again, I was left alone with my thoughts.

Why isn't Lauren answering her phone?

Is it dead? Shut off?

What if something happened to her?

What if Louis got to her?

I rubbed my eyes with my right hand and mentally cursed myself for thinking those things and making every question unanswered where it could eat me alive.

I laid there and let my thoughts consume me. I couldn't get Lauren out of my head. I couldn't stop thinking the worst possible shit that could have happened. I don't understand why she isn't answering her phone and it's making me worry.

I heard the door open and I saw the doctor walk in. He walked to the bed, "I just called your wife again and she's on her way,"

It was like a huge weight was off my damn chest because I seriously couldn't breathe.

I thanked him and watched him walk out. I felt relieved now that I know nothing happened to Lauren. I couldn't wait until she walked through that door.

I laid there and watched TV. Although there wasn't anything on, I still had to occupy my mind. I glanced at the clock and watched at it was slowly ticking away.

After a while, I heard a slight knock on the knock and figured it was the doctor again. I watched as it opened up and the person who walked in made my heart skip a beat.

Mrs. Jauregui (GirlxGirl) (Book 2) (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now