When The Wind Blows

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The crowd smiled and bowed their heads to show respect and appreciation, even though they were outraged to earn of Blanche's plans as well as knowing their future leaders to their tribes were disrespected, abused, and almost murdered.

Bjorn noticed the women clench their right hand into fists and place it over their hearts before bowing, which struck a memory of Rowan doing the same to him after she awoke from the bear attack. Not wanting to offend the Gladswomen, he copied the gesture and did the same. Rowan noticed and couldn't help but to hide her smile, as his form was wrong and he moved to quick. At least he is trying.

"So, what's next?" Rowan asked to no one in particular in hopes that someone would have an answer.

Leif sighed and looked between here and the crowd, "I think we should clear the fortress to make sure Blanche is not hiding. Then we should take care of our dead and leave for the High Kings and Queens as soon as we can."

Bjorn and Rowan nodded, not needing to be told what to do next. They walked down the steep stairs and made their way with a few others to search the castle. They checked every room thoroughly but came up empty, disappointing Rowan even further. "It's okay. We will find her soon," Bjorn offered with a squeeze of her shoulder.

While they had searched for Blanche, the others had started burying their dead. Only a few more graves needed to be dug so they both offered to lend a hand, surprising many as they knew they were injured, tired and starving.

Leif watched the two young royals from a distance. It was clear they had been through a lot in the past week, but their gesture to help made him proud to have Bjorn as his prince. When he told his king, he knew he would be proud as well.

Once the last body was buried, the men and women left the fortress and readied their mounts. Bjorn and Rowan each took one of the many that were in the stables and followed suit to the High Kings and Queens. Quickly finding spare tack, they readied their horses and mounted them as well.

As they headed out, Bjorn turned around in his saddle to give one last look at the solemn looking fortress. He had grown to loathe the place the moment he first laid eyes on it and never wanted to return if he could help it. When the sound of the many hooves grew faint, he quickly turned around and caught up with the others.

Hours passed and night soon fell. They had traveled many miles and grew both tired and hungry, so when Leif announced they would stop to make camp both Rowan and Bjorn almost fell from their saddles in exhaustion.

The Gladeswomen made dinner in a haste and dished it out, making sure their princess and her mate got an extra serving.

The two engulfed the stew and bread, hardly tasting or chewing the food. Afterwards, they pitched a tent and readied for bed.

As Bjorn entered the small confines, Rowan could hear gasps from her fellow tribeswomen as they realized that she intended to join him. She looked over her shoulder, and both the menfolk and her Sisters were looking at her with curious eyes. She remembered that she was no longer at the Skabelse and didn't have to sleep with Bjorn, for she could easily climb into any other tent that housed a Gladeswoman. It was probably taboo to the others as she remembered hearing small arguments throughout the day about silly things, and she had almost forgotten that men and women were still considered enemies for they had only joined together because they both shared a common adversary who threatened their kingdoms. Being around Bjorn had made her feel that it was almost natural and she not only welcomed his presence but craved it.

Not caring, she quickly ducked in the tent with Bjorn and closed the flaps. If I want to sleep with him I shall, she thought.

Rowan pulled off of her boots and climbed under the covers next to the handsome Rorik and rested her head upon his chest. He pulled her in closer and kissed the top of her head and yawned. Within a few moments, Rowan noticed her head did not rise as quick as it did before, signaling Bjorn to be asleep.

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