The meet

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Zac's POV

Finally breathing the London air "ah... home" I say to myself as I sit in the car with my older sister Gina. Gina and I have been close since we were little. We were raised by our single mum Amy. We always supported each other's dreams. Gina had always wanted to be a Psychologist and that's what she does now for a living, running her own clinic while I on the other hand, always wanted to be a pop star and Gina has always rooted for me.

"Bro....who is she?" She asks, taking me off guard.

"Who is who?" I ask. A little weirded out.

"You have been smiling to yourself the whole ride.... you look like you're in love or something. What's going on?" She asks. How does she do it? Damn my sister. Growing up I was never able to hide anything from her and I guess it has something to do with her talent of reading minds. That's what psychologists are good at right? Mind reading and all.

"There is nobody..... gosh leave me alone." I try to lie

"Okay.... don't tell me...... I'll figure it out anyway," she says confidently and I roll my eyes.

We pull up to the familiar-looking house and get out of the car. I grab my bags and walk up to the front door, leaving my sister behind. Before I can knock, the door swings open and my mum is standing there in an apron.

"Ah..... my baby is home" she hugs me so tight and drags me into the house. The house looks the same, nothing's changed and I love that, with the life I live, things keep changing all the time and it's nice to come back to something that never changes. Something constant.

After settling into my bedroom, I head downstairs where my mum had already laid the table for dinner.

"Anything new sweetie? Any lady?" My mum questions winking at me as we dig into the dinner she prepared. I hear my sister snickering into her cup as she sips on her wine and I roll my eyes at her, placing my attention back on my mum.

"No mum. I'm too busy for that." I say

"Sure." My sister teases and I give her a death glare. My mum looks at both of us suspiciously and shakes her head. She has no idea that I am not about serious relationships, never have been at least not for now. I'm only 28, I have time.

After dinner, I stay and help my mum clean up while my sister leaves the kitchen. She said since I'm here, I should put myself to some good use and help around so that's what I'm doing. Being the younger sibling is just awesome.

"So you're not gonna tell me anything huh?" My sister has been giving me all these looks the entire day, waiting for me to crack. We'd just finished dinner, sitting at our porch facing the beautiful rose garden my mum had worked so hard on. Just me and my sister like old times. Growing up with a single mum, we use to be the kind of siblings that shared everything but I don't know, now that I'm grown it just feels a little weird to sit and have pillow talks with her.

"Oh come one! At least tell me her name". My sister insists. I stare at her for a little while, contemplating if I should tell her, and end up giving in.

"Jessica... Jessica Red" I answer, saying her name made me smile uncontrollably like an idiot. What the hell?

"Wait, Jessica Red? As in the pop star? Nominated for the Brits Jessica Red?" My sister asks in surprise. And I smile.

"How did you guys meet?" My sister asks a little excited

"Nope. Never met her. But I'm planning on changing that this week" I reply, unable to stop myself from smiling.

"What is it about her that's so great? You haven't even met the girl and you're already smitten." My sister asks getting interested.

"I don't know. She worked with one of my friends on his album, of course, she has to be more than just some pop star." I say rolling my eyes at how annoyingly talented this girl is. "And he couldn't stop talking about how amazing she was as a producer, so I looked her up and she's hot! Very hot. She seems intelligent and... I don't know....." I gush

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