And here I am, not worried about it at all, in a Sears, shopping for a bikini.

I head straight for the juniors section, eyeing the bathing suits and bikinis in the corner. I grab the first one I see that’s my size; a red polka dot one that hangs over my neck. I turn around and almost bump into Ace.

His eyebrows go up. “Found one already?”

“Yep,” I answer. “Let’s go.”

“Did you try it on?”

I roll my eyes. “I hate trying on clothes in stores.”

“How do you know if it fits?”

I show him the tag. “My size.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“You just want to see me in this bikini,” I voice his thoughts.

He smirks, crossing his arms. “Actually, I want to see you in multiple bikinis.”

“Bastard.” I pass him, heading towards the cashiers. I place my item on the counter, reaching into my pocket for the loose money I found in some of my jean pockets.

Before I can get it out, Ace comes up behind me and swipes his credit card on the little machine next to me. My eyes widen, surprised, and look at him. He ignores me, smiling at the cashier. His fangs are gone; he must’ve hidden them. Vampires can make them come and go when they want.

As we’re walking out, I mutter towards him, “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I disagree.”

“And why is that?”

He shrugs, eyeing the car that’s straight ahead. “Because I feel like I should do something nice for you, since all I’ve done so far is kidnap you from your home.”

I stare straight ahead, too. He’s right, but at the same time, he’s wrong.


“Grab the beach ball, Piers!” I hear Riker yell out as I walk down the stairs. I’m in the new red bikini that Ace bought for me. The boys are all crowding around the door, eager to get outside and do something other than training for once. Lexi straggles behind in her pink bikini, complimenting her dark tan, earbuds in her ears like always.

The scars on my skin are visible. Not from self harm, but from all the times I was attacked by vampires. There’s only a few, though, and they’re not very noticeable. I head over to the door, standing behind the boys. “What are we waiting for?”

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