The 1st day

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Percy : Annabeth,it's so good to see you again. <3

Annabeth : I love you percy.

Percy : I love u to Annabeth.

Aphrodite : Love again.

Athena : *through up * Percy stay away from Annabeth!!!!!!!!

Annabeth : Mom, stop it.

Aphrodite : Oh, come on Athena it's cute.

Leo : I want a girl friend. :(

Nico : Me to. :(

Conner : Oh, Leo and Nico.

Travis : Meat us by Thalia's tree.

Conner : In 5 minutes.

- Conner and Travis have logged off -

Leo : That was creepy. O_O

Nico : Very. 0_0

- Leo and Nico have logged off -

Percy : Ok. Should we be worried about them.

Frank : No

Grover : No. Nico always scares me anyway.

Poseidon : HI PERCY. :)

Percy : What's with the caps, dad. :l

Poseidon : idk. :)

Zeus : Poseidon get off of Facebook and get back to work.

- Athena , Aphrodite , Poseidon , and Zeus have logged off of Facebook-

Annabeth: Ugh parents. :(

Percy : Tell me about it. :|

Drew : aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! :o

Percy : What happened.

Percy : aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! :O

Jason : What happened.

Drew : I lost my makeup kit!!!!!!

Jason : I wasn't talking to you.

Drew : :p

Percy : Someone dyed my hair pink.

- Nico uploaded pictures with Percy with his hair pink -

Annabeth : Is your hair still like this.

Percy: Yes. * hiding in the cabin *

Nico : Best prank.

- with Leo, Conner , and Travis -

-Jason, Poseidon, AnnaBeth, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel , Zeus, Ares, Hera, and 2,000 others like this comment-

Percy : Delete them now.

Nico : Never.

Nico : Help. Cabin. Filling. Water.

Percy : Are you going to delete them.

Nico : Yes!!!!!!

- Nico deleted pictures with Percy with his hair pink -

Annabeth: Percy you could of killed him.

Percy : Your point.

Percy : Can someone help me get his pink hair dye out of my hair.

- private message with everybody except Percy -

Conner : We

Travis : Have

Conner : A

Piper : STOP IT !!!!!!!!

Travis : Ok, clam down.

Conner : We have a problem.

Conner : That hair dye is going to come out in about 3 weeks.

Poseidon : WHAT !!!!!! Can't it just be blue.

Zeus : Wow, this is the funniest thing

Ares : I know right. Finally he gets pay back.

Travis : So, just don't tell him. Agreed.

Everyone : Agreed.

Thanks for reading. This is dasdkj1967 peace out

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