Un folded

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Percy: We unleashed our plan.

Annabeth : What do you mean "unleashed our plan"?

Percy : What are you talking about??

Percy : I differently said that.

Percy : Who are you????

Percy : Who are you to question who I am ????

Piper : That's not confusing.

Hazel : Percy, are you just saying that with yourself.

Percy : Maybe. 0_0

Annabeth : Idiot.

Jason is better than me (Leo) : So, what's your plan????

Conner : We will never tell you Leo!!!! Whahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Piper : What's wrong with your name.

Jason is better than me (Leo) : Oh, me and Jason raced around the camp to see who was faster and the loser had to change there name to say that the other person was better.

Jason is better than Leo : Whahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!

Frank : So, I'm guessing Jason won.

Jason is better than Leo : yep-o-ruiney

Travis : Ok, trap is set. I repeat, trap is set.

Hazel : What trap.

Conner: OMG!!!!

Nico : What !!!!!

Conner : It's a bird.

Travis : It's a plane!!!!

Percy : NO!! That's Iron Man!!!!!!!!

Hermes : IRON MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hermes : I mean. Pfft iron man.

Percy : Everybody, run out side now.

Annabeth, Nico, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Leo, Grover, Thalia, Hermes, Zeus , Poseidon, Apollo, and 3,000,000 more have logged off

Conner : HA ha, they just walked right into our trap.


What kind of cruel trap did they play. THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW.

Authors note : Sorry I haven't updated in a while and also because this is so short. But I will try to keep updating

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