Truth or dare

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Nico : Hey who wants to play truth or dare?????

Percy : ME!!!!!!

Piper : Me. I love this game.

Hazel : What's true or dare?

Leo: You'll find out.

Leo : Oh, and I will play.

Frank: Me two.

Annabeth: I will play.

Luke: I will play.

Annabeth: I thought you died.

Luke : lol. I'm actually Jason just wanted to see what you would do.

-Luke changed his name to Jason-

Nico : Anybody else.

Hermes : Can I play.

Percy : Why not.

Hazel : Ok, I will start.

Hazel: Jason truth or dare?

Jason : Dare.

Hazel : I dare you to tell Drew she's cute, and than say jk.

Jason: Only if it's ok with piper.

Piper : Fine by me.

Jason : Hey drew.

Drew : Hey Jason.

Jason : I think your cute.

Drew : I already know that.

Jason : JK.

- Drew has blocked Jason -

Jason : Well, that went better than expected.

Jason : Percy truth or dare?

Percy : Truth.

Jason : Is it true you blew up Mt saint Helens?

Percy : Yes.

Leo : Awesome!!

Hermes : I know right!!!!!!

Percy : Hermes truth or......

Hermes : DARE!!!!!!

Percy : Ok,I dare you to jump into Tartarus.

Hermes : OK!!!!!!!!

Percy : Wait!!!!!!!!! I was joking.

Hermes : Ugh. Come on.

Percy : I dare you to rap a song with Apollo.

Hermes : It will be done by tomorrow.

Annabeth : Good job Percy *said sarcastically*.

Hermes: Truth or dare Nazel.

Hazel : It's Hazel.

Hermes : You sure.

Hazel : Yep. And I pick dare.

Hermes : I dare you to change your Facebook name to Hermes rules for the day.

Hazel : Ok.

- Hazel has changed her name to Hermes rules-

Hermes rules : Leo truth or dare.

Leo : Dare.

Hermes rules : I dare you to ask out Drew.

Drew : So not happening.

- Drew blocked Leo -

Nico : lol

Piper : Rejected in 3 seconds.

Percy : New record.

Leo : Nico truth or dare.

Nico : Dare.

Leo : I dare you to walk around with a skeleton following you .

Nico : Okay.

Nico : Frank truth or dare.

Frank : Dare.

Nico: I dare you to walk around as a rabbit all day.

( or should I say jump )

Frank : Got it.

Frank : Annabeth looks like your next.

Annabeth : I already choose truth.

Percy : Come on, pick dare.

Hermes : Do a dare.

Leo : Do a dare. Do a dare. Do a dare.

Annabeth : Fine dare.

Frank : I dare you to put a sign on Thalia's back that says " I'm stupid ".

Annabeth : Really. :l

Frank : Yep. Only a evil mastermind would come up with that. (Whahahahahahaa)

Annabeth : Ok?

Annabeth: Piper truth or dare?

Piper : Truth.

Annabeth : Is your dad really Tristan McLean?

Piper : Yes.

Hermes : Can you get me his autograph!!!

Piper : sure

Hermes : Yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy

Hermes : I mean that would be awesome.

Percy : Well than. I'm going to bed see ya tomorrow everyone.

-Here's what everyone did.-

Nico- walked around with a skeleton

Annabeth - put a note on Thalia's back

Percy - answered a truth question

Leo - asked Drew out

Piper - answered a truth question

Hermes - writing a rap song

Hazel - changed her name

Jason - did a jk

Frank - transformed

Thanks for reading. This is dasdkj1967. Peace out

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