[Vol.1] Ch. 4 - Approval

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Author: undefmidi


Boku no Hero characters, original story and everything belongs to Kohei Horikoshi, the author of said series. I only own the Plot.

This is my second fanfic, I hope you like it!

And if you like it, please share it!

Chapter 4 - Approval

They just left the memory void. Sensei had now an answer.

'That sums it all up... I don't need him anymore.' – He nodded mentally to himself.

"Everyone." – He called all of the Villain Alliance.

They all gathered in front of him.

"I got all the information we need. Tomorrow I am taking his quirk and turning him into a Nomu... It may cause psychological terror to U.A, and it will work to our advantage." – Sensei said.

Toga looked at them. She had to keep her image, but there was something bugging her deep inside... She didn't feel good about him becoming an irrational creature whose purpose was killing.

She didn't understand it. It was something new to her.

And so she found a solution.

'Maybe if I spend some time with him, I can settle this in my mind? I will try.' – She thought.

And so, they went to their separate places.


It was now midnight. Toga left her room stealthily, going to where Izuku was held captive.

She got to the kitchen first, so she could get the Katsudon-flavoured snacks she bought after coming back from the memory void.

After she grabbed it, she swiftly and quietly went to where Izuku was.

'How am I able to get here so easily? I thought I'd have to go through 35 chapters of stealth, trying to get to him... Whatever.' – She remarked, breaking my precious 4th wall... I'll have to fix it now.

And so she sat beside him and nudged him gently.

He woke up, tired.

"Um... H-Hey..." – He said in a soft voice while looking at her, his face tired, but still kept a small smile.

'How could someone smile in a situation like this?' – She pondered.

"Hello~! I am now going to feed you some Katsudon snacks I bought." – She said cheerily, but still not loud enough to cause problems.

His smile grew a little more, as he looked excited.

"T-Thanks..." – He thanked her – "... Though... Wouldn't you get in... trouble?" - He asked her, while she looked at him a bit confused – "I mean... I asked this before, but... Why're you doing this?" – He finally asked her, while having a curious look.

She pondered a for a bit.

"I don't know~!" – She answered. He looked at her, still dumbfounded at that – "But... I'm thinking about it~!" – She said as if she just answered herself... She actually did, didn't she?

He looked at her, baffled, still not believing that the 'enemy' was giving him food...

And so, she picked a Katsudon-flavoured snack and fed some to him.

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