Chapter 30: Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

"They will be alright, we'll be there to support you." Wonho smiled at me. "It was a lot of paperwork to change your gender back at college but we're glad you weren't fully registered at the first place."

"Well, I forget that I'm a girl too, most of the time." I gave them a sheepish smile rubbing my head.

"Aww cute!!" All of them exclaimed together except Changkyun.

"Oh ho ho, you better be careful here." He laughed like the devil instead. "Kihyun will whoop your asses!"

"Oh my god, I forgot!" Minhyuk clutched a hand over his heart making his eyes wide. "I totally forgot they were dating!"

"You almost fainted again when you heard it." Hyungwon gave a goofy smile this time. "Though I don't blame you for it. Who would've thought!"

"You guys are making me shy. Let's not talk about it." I said meekly but they didn't seem to hear it.

"It's good that Kihyun is going to Paris, right?" Jooheon turned to everyone and all of them bobbed their heads up and down agreeing. "Like we can flirt a little that way!"

"Minjae!" Kihyun called my name from the back and I stood up. He came inside the living room as he was rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. "Should we go shopping now?"

"Yeah!" I agreed giving a bright smile then turned around to meet others. "Then I'll see you guys later."

"What were you talking about? You all look like you just saw a ghost." Kihyun came forward and most of them tried acting busy, avoiding to meet his eyes. "What's wrong with them?" He asked me.

"Nothing! Let's go.'' I tried dragging him away, before going through the main door I looked back and waved them goodbye.

"That fuck totally scared me!" Minhyuk yelled loudly and Kihyun had heard it, but we were already outside.

"What the hell! Were they screwing with you Minjae?" He looked like he was ready to fight.

"I think they were screwing with you instead Mom. Let's go now." I held his arm reassuring him but he still looked pissed off, and I just knew the guys did it too to make him furious.

"Do we get to spend the whole day together? You said you had to go and buy stuff for you new place with Byul." He calmed down as we got inside the car.

"I cancelled it. Changkyun said he will go with her instead of me." I snaked the seatbelt around me, Kihyun helped before he started driving.

"Then it's good. What do you think I should buy first?"

"Lets go buy new outfits!"

We were going to buy everything Kihyun would need in Paris. I acted excited, but I wasn't much inside.


"You know I don't really need to go there, you just have to say the word." Kihyun muttered while I was holding a shirt in front of him, to see if it looked good but honestly anything would look good on him.

"Do you think it's cold there? Maybe we should buy winter outfits too?" I asked ignoring his question.

"Come on Minjae!" He said a bit frustrated and I let out a giggle.

"Why? Are you afraid that I might cheat on you? Or will you do it with Eunbi?" I teased but the frown on his face got bigger.

"Do you think I'll cheat?" He grimaced, I shrugged in response.

"I don't think you would, that's why I'm telling you to go, because I trust you. And we talked about this, I don't want to be the reason why you wouldn't live yours or your parent's dream. And wait-" I gestured him to stop as he opened his mouth.

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