Flying Into Toyko (Literally)

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"That jerk try's to lie straight to my face about him and Jet! I know Jet told him something." I grumble as I sit in the front part of the plane.

"Maybe I should call Jet." I think aloud. I grab my cell from my purse and dial his number. I listen to the digital ringing and wait to here his cocky voice say hello, but it never comes. Instead, I'm met with the annoying computerized voice telling me Jet didn't pick up. "Stupid Jet. Stupid Gajeel! Stupid Makarov for making me go on the stupid mission with a real life American prick!" I rant.

I run my temples in annoyance and lay back in my chair, attempting to take a nap. After an hour of just laying there thinking, I finally drift off.


"Medicine. Need medicine." My brain whimpers as I crawl on the floor towards where Levy went.

I'd already passed out and now fully awoken, I didn't know how long I'd been there, and so nauseous I can stand up. So now I have to crawl on stomach only using my hands.

When I finally reach where Levy is, I slowly bring myself to a standing position. I wobble over to her and look for her purse. I feel myself getting dizzier and dizzier as I look around her sleeping form. I spot it underneath her small arms.

I reach for it and feel my whole body titter forward and onto the sleeping girl. Aw fuck. Is all I think as I feel my body crush her, jolting her awake.

"OWW!" A loud screech flies from the small girl's mouth. "Gajeel? Get the bloody hell off me!"

"Sorry!" I grunt as I roll off her lap and into the floor. "Can you just give me some Dramamine?" I plead with her. "I can't take it anymore."

"The Black Steel, Iron Dragon, Gajeel Redfox is pleading with me?" She smirks down at me and bursts into uncontrollable laughter. Her head tilted back with her hands on her stomach and everything! I glare up at her making her slowly regain her senses.

"Okay. Okay." She smiles as she grabs the small pills out of her tiny bag. "Let me grab you some water." She exits the room (Just to drag this out, I know!) and soon returns with a bottle of water. Setting it on the table, she offers her hand to me. "Now stand up." She says, holding her small hand in front of my face.

I send her a suspicious glare and she just rolls her hazel eyes, "Come on." So I take her hands and let her help me up.

"Thanks." I mumble before I pop the pills into my mouth and swallow them down with a large drink of water.

"Your welcome." She takes the drink from me and sets it in the cup holder in her chair.

"We'll be arriving in Tokyo in roughly five hours or so. So that should last you up until then. You can sleep here if you want." She pats a big plush looking couch. "I need to make some phone calls, so I'll leave you be."

As she exits the room, I hold back the biggest urge to just dive onto that couch. Once she's as good as gone, I run over to it and plop down of the soft cushions. "So sleepy." I sigh with relief.

I slowly fall asleep.


Do I need bi-polar medicine?! Because being around him makes me swing from emotion to emotion... Eff my life.

Ring! Ring!

I look at my phone and it's Jet calling me back. "Hello?"

"Hey babe!" His a little too happy voices answers.

"Don't call me that." I sigh.

"Woah, Lev. What's wrong? Is it that Ga-!"

I cut him off, "Nothing's wrong. You woke me up from my nap." I lied so he wouldn't press further.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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