Surprise Wake Up Call

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I bring my hand down on my old style alarm clock, angrily silencing it's obnoxious chatter. 'I hate mornings.'

Groggily, I lift my body up and look in the mirror above my vanity. My blue hair is sticking out in all directions and my bangs are standing almost straight up.

"That's attractive." I groan. I climb out of bed and start combing out my untamable locks. I pin it back in a messy bun and start packing clothing.

I take my clothes bag and my bag full of all my hair, make up, girl things, and any kind of jewelry stuff and set them by the door.

I quickly dress in a simple yellow and white dress with white sandals. I throw a matching headband in my hair to keep back my bangs then leave to go to Gajeel's hotel room.

I set my things in the lobby and walk up to the front desk. "I need the number of Gajeel Redfox's room."

An old lady with red cat eye glasses looks up at me. "Are you that handsome man's girlfriend?" She laughs.

I gasp, "NO!" She laughs a bit louder this time.

She grabs one of the many small brass keys off a hook behind her and hands it to me. "Well, here you go. I trust you don't turn out to be a murderer going to kill him." She winks, making me laugh.

"I wish I were." I joke, then skip up the stairs to the top floor. The key in my hand reads 8. I walk up to the addressed door and knock. "Gajeel! It's me, Levy! We need to get to the airport." I yell.

He doesn't answer, so I unlock his door and let myself in.

As I enter, I hear the soft sound of him snoring. "Of course he snores." I whisper while quietly making my way to the bedroom and peeking inside. I hold back a laugh at the sight.

He's laying on his back; limbs sprawled out with his long black mane sticking up everywhere. His mouth is open and swear I see a bit of drool trailing down the side of his mouth.

"Gajeel." I say in a low voice so I don't startle him. "Hey! Get up Gajeel!" I say louder.


"Hey you! Out of bed now!"

Still nothing.

"Gajeel, I will smack you so hard in the face! Get out of bed." I shout.

He groans a bit, then throws his arm over his eyes.

I let out a frustrated growl. "Damn it Gajeel! Get up."

All I get is a loud snort.

Then I grab his blanket in my hands and start yelling, "You lazy cow! Get your ass out of bed!" And I pull the blanket right off his tan body.

"OH MY GOD!" I quickly cover my eyes with my hands.

"Hey! What tha fuck, Shrimp! You can't just pull a blanket off of a person in the morning." He shouts hotly, pulling the blanket over his naked body.

I just saw his penis! I just saw his penis! I just saw his penis! Holy shit! I just saw his penis!

"I-I'm so sorry!" I cry as a heat wave crosses over my face.

"Baah! Don't apologize." He says rubbing his hands over his face.

"I-I- I'll let you- uhh- get dressed." I stutter, fleeing from the room.

I just saw Gajeel's dick. Jesus Christ! My blush heats up my entire face, turning it as red as a tomato. It was so big.. Oh my God! I need to stop. I smack my face one time to try and regain my senses. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" I whisper to myself.

Guide 2 Bad Assery (Gajeel x Levy/ GaLe)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt