Found (part two) last chapter

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Winter P.O.V

" Juanpa I wish I could go back and take back everything I said and did to hurt you but I can't. I'm sorry for you, and I truly love and care about you. But I get the fact if you can't trust me again and I wish I didn't completely mess up that chance we have or had to be a couple like we used to be. Nothing would make me happier than kissing you and telling being able to call you mine. Remember the day we meet? I said. " Yeah, it was in a hotel lobby. You where getting snacks and I saw this beautiful girl with the browniest eyes trying to carry bags of snacks." " Then you helped me take it all back to my room and things took off from then. But I know that I love those memories and I want to keep making them. I still want to be with you and when I love something I'm determined. Te amo." " I love you to"

Yes I know this was short but I wanted Roche short and sweet. I don't know if I'll make a second book but I'd I do it will be a whole lot better than this one. But if you what to keep up with I guess your just gonna have to follow me ok well bye for now!!!!

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