New faces.

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Winter P.O.V

With all that's been happening with Eirk and Juanpa and everything else that's been going on In my life, I decided to take a me day. A day to myself and just relax, and figure out a way to solve all of this. I needed a calm place to think.
         On my way home one day I came across this place with one of my old friends, it was really pretty there where flowers every where. But I just needed to come here and gather my thought and try to figure everything out. I started to walk around and clear my head  and avoid thinking  about all that's been happening for now. I was walking around when I heard some talking on their phone, it sounded like someone I knew.

 So I went to see who it was, so looked around the side of a tree to see how it was. It was Mya, I was friends with her when we where younger. The last thing I heard about her was that she was dating Eirk, I haven't heard from her since that. So I decided to talk to her and ask what happened. " Mya?" I asked " Winter!?" she said " Yeah." I said giving her a hug " What have you been up to?" I asked her. " Nothing much I, I just came back a couple days ago." " Why did you leave?" I asked her " Well first I moved away for collage then I got a job and didn't really have time for anything else, so I just stayed. But a couple days ago I moved back here, I was just missing my family to much so I got an another job and I'm here now" " Wait so when you got your previous job you didn't have time for anything else right." " Yeah so?" " Do you think you could do me a favor?" I asked her. " Depends on what it is first." she said. " Okay hear me out I need you to............

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