Let's Go For a Walk.

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Winter P.O.V 

I was talking to Juanpa "lets go for a walk" I said " I don't know that seems like a bad idea. What if someone sees us?  " We can go to the park in the next town over. There aren't a lot of people there at night"  " You have an answer to everything huh?"   " Yep pretty much.                   meet me there in twenty?"   " Okay Fine."  " Bye" I hung up and got dressed for the park. When I got there it was cold, I saw him sitting on a bench by this big and tall tree.

Juanpa  P.O.V

I got to the park and saw a big tree. I started looking around to find a place to watch the sunset. I found this bench under an Oak tree, I went back to the parking lot area so that when Winter got here she could find me easily. When she got her I took her straight to the Oak tree, to watch the sunset.

Winter P.O.V 

Juanpa wouldn't tell me where we where going he just lead me to an Oak tree with a bench under it. He put his arm around me as we watched the sunset, I put my head on his shoulder and my legs across his lap. We talked about what's been happening over the last couple of weeks and how we where going to work out the long distance relationship. After a while we walked back to our cars and went home. 

When I got back I saw all my friends in a circle talking I knew things where about to go down..... 

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