Let Me Explain.

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Juanpa  P.O.V

I could tell by the look on her face she didn't want to see me " What are you doing here?" she asked, " I need to tell you what was happened with Lele. I didn't want to kiss her, I only have feelings for you. I care about you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose." I told her 

" See I really want to believe you but I'm having a little trouble. If you really care about me why did you let her kiss you in the first place? You just stood there like a  brick wall with no reaction whatsoever. But maybe you don't care about me as much as I seem to think, and maybe you care about her a little more. And do you know what I'm thinking right now? Just maybe letting myself actually open my heart to a person like you was a mistake." she said, " Winter if I really didn't care about you why would I come here and go through all this trouble to tell you all this stuff if I really didn't have feelings for you?" I said  " I don't know, and at this point, I'm confused about it all. So please just leave I need to clear my head and think this through." " But Win-" she cut me off " Goodbye Juanpa." 

Winter  P.O.V

" Come on Emma, let's go inside." I said " Winter what was that back there?" she asked  " With Juanpa? Honestly, I don't know. I don't know why I said all of those things but kinda felt good, but bad too. I don't know what to do I mean I don't want him being with other girls and I feel like I'm in the middle of it all.  Do you think other people that are dating have these kinds of problems?"  " Listen, Winter, everything will be okay it will all blow over soon."   " Emma I'm going to ask you a question okay, If you where in my position what would you do?"

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