XIIIB. Toppled Rune

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Whispers materialize indistinctly.

Betty's memories of her old friends came flashing through and Veronica and Archie were in it.


Elizabeth's POV

"How do we do it?",I asked facing at Veronica.,the person I grew up with without a mother. Yes,she died in the hands of Clymene. What else would she have done?

"It's hard."

"Gorgons are monsters with snakes intertwined on their heads but Clymene is a little different. She can turn them into stone if she wants and we know that she can bleed.",Veronica said.

"And what bleeds can die.",I said.

"But we don't know how.",Hermione exclaimed.

I sat by the gently gushing river soaking my legs to calm my nerves as Archibald sat with me in an instant.

"You sure you wanna do this?",he asked looking in my eyes but mine still we're concentrated on the waves.

"I have to. She murdered my mother and killed my father turning him into stone.",I said.

"Do you know what it's like to live without my parents? Let alone I didn't even see their faces.",I said.

Archie tried to comfort me by putting my head on his shoulder,"No I don't. I'm sorry for everything that's ever happened to you."

"I'm not sorry for having you.",I smiled feebly at him as he did the same.

"Do you know how it feels like?"

Archie looked in confusion for what I was asking.

"To be alone,an orphan?",I whimpered playing with my old bracelet.

Archie set his eyes at mine,"You are not alone."


Betty's POV

It was too much.

I can't take it anymore,the screams,the pain and the awful memories are just so terrifying.

I want to wake up but I can't ,I'm not even sure if this is real and I don't know where I am because I held my eyes close thinking that it will all go away but it can't.

It felt like my hands were raised up and they were aching so hard as if something is tied hardly to it. My body was feeling like it was bend over to the support of something and my feet barely touching the ground.

Suddenly a sharp cold substance dug inside my arm. I screamed hard opening my eyes flashing at a dark figure.

Everything was blurry I couldn't see anything.

I turned my head towards my arm,seeing that it was bleeding.

My breathing ran fast and gasped except screaming. I was tied with a rope which burnt my hands. I looked around to find graves of people,I was inside a cemetery. Not creepy at all.

"What",was the only words which escaped my mouth.

"Don't be so surprised. I just need a little something from you.",the person spoke with a hunky British accent.

"How am I here?who are you?",I said blinking several times to get my vision going.

"That's not the real question here now, love. You are here because you have something I want.",he said confidently.

I snapped back feebly,"Even if I had something of yours why the hell would I give you?"

He chuckled softly,"I gave you back your memories. You remember everything now that means you know where it is."

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