IVB. Irlene's daughter

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I was sitting near the river,my mascara smuged away from my face by the tears.

Archie or any one them didn't choose to be like this. None of them did. Maybe after all they aren't really monsters.

They are just lost souls trying to find their way out by doing something which can fill their blanks inside their hearts.

But these blanks cannot be filled by killing someone or hurting someone. They can be filled by true Felicity. Happiness.

Archie will learn to control himself then and later. I trust him and I hope he believes in me.

So this is how my life is gonna be huh? Vampires, werewolves ,witches and many more supernatural beings.

I thought fantasy was magical. We can have anything we want with it but in reality people get hurt and I saw that today when Archie tried to kill that girl.

I was lost in my thoughts until I heard someone call out my name,my real name,"Elizabeth."

I turned around gasping to see a almost twenty year old young girl.

"Who are you?",I asked looking at her body which was covered in bruises.

"I'm Haley Marshall and I am a werewolf.",she said smiling gallantly.

"A werewolf?What do you want from me?Are you gonna hurt me Haley?",I asked honestly stepping back two steps.

"No.",she nodded no,"I'm here to ask you something which no one can ever give us.",She said.

"And what it is?",I asked. She was wearing a white long night suit,she said that she meant no harm to me but she wanted something which I could only give to her.

"Hope.",she said breathlessly.

"What do you mean?",I asked her confusingly.

"I am a part of the Mikaelson family. This family had conflicts, stabbing of each other in their backs,hatred amongst each other. People were hurt because of them.",Haley continued.

"And the child which I am carrying of Klaus Mikaelson's is the only hope to the family.",she said.

"So?",I asked again.

"My child is the only one who can bring the family together and bring them peace. My child is the only one who can stop the hatred among people. My child is our only hope.",she explained.

"Okay...So what do you want me to do?",I asked again.

"My child is eating me up from the inside. It explains the bruises​. I will die soon if it goes on and my baby will die with me and she cannot die just like this."

"I want you to carry my child Elizabeth.",she said at last.

"What?",I gasped.

"You are the only one in the world who is strong enough to hold this child. Elizabeth, help bring a family together. Help a family to settle at peace with no hatred only filled with love. It can bring you happiness too. Please Elizabeth. I'm begging you.",she pleaded.

"I have a life of my own. I have friends,school,family--

Haley cut me,"Your family isn't even real Elizabeth. You were adopted."

"What?How do I know that you are not lying?How can I trust you?",I said in disbelief.

"It's not something to lie about Elizabeth. Trust no one. Trust to what is true. You are not normal Elizabeth. You were born thousand years ago and awakened and raised for seventeen years and been hidden from dark energy.",she explained deeply.

"How do you know all of this?",I asked.

"Tales about you has been spoken through ancient times. We didn't know that these tales were actually real. We didn't know you were real.",Haley said.

It has been a long time so we sat near the edge of the sparkling moonlight reflected river.

"Why me?",I asked.

"Because Elizabeth,you are the daughter of Irlene. You are more powerful than you think. So much powerful than everyone but you just don't know yet. ",Hayley said wanting me to believe her.

"You can hold my child as long as she arrives in this world. You have that power. She won't eat you from the inside because she will get the aura from you which is enough for her. She won't hurt you.",Haley continued.

"Who is Irlene?",I asked her confused.

"I don't know about her but I do know that she was your mother and she protected you. We can help you find about your​ family about who you really are Elizabeth. Trust me.",she said assuring me.

My parents were not really my biological parents. I was born a thousand years ago and raised after thousand years ago. I can't be compelled by vampires without vervain because I am special. That explains it.

I don't know what I am or what am I doing here but I can only find my answer if I go with Haley. That means I have to leave this place with my friends and family in it.

"Now the question is will you carry my child?",she asked.

I looked away for two minutes. I could feel her waiting for an answer. Can I do this? Should I do this? Iam the only one who can do this. Should I do this? Can I do this?

"Yes.",I agreed.

"Thank you so much Elizabeth. You don't realize what you have done for this family.",she said smiling with joy. It made me smile too.

"I go by the name Betty but how did you find me if I was warded from dark energy?",I asked in suspicion.

"You are not warded anymore. Something happened. People will soon come looking for you because they want your power. Freya Mikaelson can protect you from them for long enough.",she said.

"Long enough? Until you get the baby out of me you won't protect me anymore because why the hell would you do that?I get it. You want to use me.",I argued as she nodded in disbelief.

"No Betty. Long enough to beat what's really coming for you. For all of us.",she said.

"And who is that?",I asked rolling my eyes.

"We don't know but please give us a chance and yourself so that we can work together. That person or a thing wants power from you. And with your power it can snap it's fingers and in a second we will all die.",she said.

"So come with me. Please.",Haley pleaded.

"Okay.",I said realizing that there is no walking away from this. I need to leave with her. I need to find out what happened to me. I need to give life to this child which is not even mine to felicitate a family. I need to know about my mom.

A voice called out behind me,"Took you long enough."

I turned around seeing a blonde with short hair looking towards Haley. They knew each other.

"Who are you?",I asked her.

"I'm Freya. Nice to meet you Elizabeth finally.",Freya said. Haley said that she is a witch.

Haley started coughing blood out clutching her stomach. She looked like crap.

"The baby Freya. I can't hold her for long.",Haley said breathlessly wiping her blood of her mouth.

"There is no time we need to leave faster.",Freya snapped her fingers and in a second we were in a room. It was like a room in palaces.

"Where are we?",I asked looking everywhere around the room. It felt so old yet new.

"We should get started.",Freya said.


Hello lovelies,

Hope you loved the chapter. Alot of crazy in there huh?

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