XIIB. Louange Elizabeth Finiti

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"WHAT DID YOU JUST LET HAPPEN?!?", Jughead pulled Archie's collar with anger.

"I didn't do nothing.",Archie said assuring.

"Don't let your anger upon Archie, Jughead. It isn't his fault.",Veronica argued back.

"I need you to tell me what happened.",Veronica looked at Archie with worrying eyes.

Archie began,"We were just "hanging" around and she started screaming and crunched her head painfully she asked questions such as ' what do you want ' and she turned into a wraith and disappeared."

Do we have to think that Betty is going  crazy or something is really going on?

Do these hallucinations suffice anything,solve anything?


Betty wasn't going crazy. Clymene wants her like this. So that she can use her to come wholly alive in this world.

It wasn't a world for the villains or heroes,it was  a world for survivial. And Betty was losing it.

"She turned?!?", Jughead asked.

"Betty had the power to turn into a wraith. This can only happen with a Wraith if it experiences traumatizing agony and hallucinations.",Veronica said.

Veronica was now wholly fluent in 'witch craft' but the more we know,the worse.

"It is almost sundown.",Freya said.


Irlene's POV

Back at the world of past

I ran away shivering with pain from my sister.

She is just lost. I can't blame her for the untrustworthy past she had.

But I can't divert her from her past. I can't divert her from her darkness.

I must save my child. I must save my girl if it is the last thing I do.

I went back to the forest of light.

The safe place to hide.

I will find a way to get out of here.

I remember when I ran away from Clymene. I wanted to take Thomas with me and I did go to him but never came our with him.

Only to find him turned into a rock.

Yes, Clymene did this.

It hurt me so bad to the decision that I left him there.

The father of my girl.

"Irlene what are you doing here?",Hermione stood on my way in the forest of light.

I told her everything that happened and she said,"Its okay. We will protect you and your unborn child but maybe not when its born."


What does she mean?

"When your baby is born,she will release excessive magic. And Clymene can sense magic,you of all people must know that.",she explained.


"How can we stop her?",I asked desperately.

She looked down sadly and turned up slowly,"I don't know but we will find a way."

She was the greatest witches of all time but still she doesn't hold the answer yet.

The loss of hope made my tears roll down my cheek.

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