VIIIA. Hunting the beloved

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(Play the song while you read to the left (: )

Cheryl's POV

11:00 pm

I was looking for Jason afraid that he'd do something wrong. I called him several times but it went to his voicemail.

"This is Jason leave your message here",My phone beeped as I switched it off.

He said that he was partying somewhere around here as he told me. I got worried sick so I came after him. I don't even know where his party is. 

Im carrying this dark object which I bought from Valerie she asked me to give it to Josie at her house. Apparently this object is supposed to knock the person out for hours no matter how strong it is. It was shaped as a sphere with spikes on it. 

I was walking around the street still trying to call him.

I can't control Jason. He is not getting me. Something bad hit him. Don't know what did. He became crazy. A ripper.

He is so hippnotized by blood that he forgot about the real world. I can't get him any better.

One day he was all perfect and the other day he rips innocent necks out and suck the living life from them.

The blood from the blood bank was not enough for him. It was enough for me though.

He didn't pick up my phone again.

He must be around somewhere. 

I heard a scream. A squeaky voice. It sounded like a little girl.

I ran as quickly as possible to the empty dark lane.

Oh my god Jason.

"Jason get away from her!!!",I ran near him and tried to push him away.

I couldn't push him away because he was stronger than me. I always drank animal blood except Jason didn't,he drank human blood from its flesh. That's why.

"Get away Cheryl. You can't stop me from doing this.",Jason pushed me away as I fell down to the ground.

I heard the screams of that little girl as her neck dripped with blood. Jason didn't react to her scream but he savoured her blood I couldn't watch anymore so I reached near him and snapped his neck.

Snapping his neck always didn't work as he revived everytime in 30 minutes of time and then 15 mins and five mins time by time. Something was strange about him.

But snapping his neck bought me some time to heal the victim and compel them to forget and run far far away until they now they are safe.

He fell down with his face and clothes all bloody which meant that he killed others too.  

The girl cried loudly and fell unconscious to the ground.

I ran after her and bit my wrist and offered my blood,"Please drink.Please." 

Jason was behind me passed out.

She started drinking from my wrist,she started healing.

Someone pulled me away and pinned me to the ground.

It was Jason. As I thought but this time he revived faster than it looked.

Something was strange about him. He was supposed to stay dead for 4 hours. 

"I told you to back off!!!",Jason grabbed my neck tightly not letting me breath. His face contained so much rage. Why is this happening to me?

I tried to push him away with my hands but I couldn't. I was too weak.

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