VIB. The demon within must hold

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Archie's POV.

"You don't have to be a monster. You can fight this.",Stefan exclaimed.

"One day or another he will turn away. And have the time of his life like I am having. Come on Arch you don't have to listen to him",Damon huffs,"You can come with me and switch it off aka humanity and drink some real blood.",Damon said as Stefan glared at him.

"Now listen Archie , you don't have to be the monster people who you love think you are.",Stefan assured while I thought about this. I didn't want my friends to think that I am a blood sucking monster. Stefan is right before I turn off my humanity and kill more people I can fix this,fix me.

I slowly nodded at Stefan as Damon rolled his eyes sipping human blood from his glass. I took the glass from Stefan which was filled with animal blood. I drank it in taking its taste.

It was not as powerful as last time when I drank human blood. It was almost tasteless and powerless yet indulging. This blood was the only way to control myself. I needed to prove to everyone,to prove to Betty that I am not the monster as she thinks I am.

I have been here with Stefan and Damon at Mystic falls to control on my blood lust,sounds crazy doesn't it?

"You can go home if you're ready Archie.",Stefan said.

It was almost morning.

Stefan brought me a daylight ring saying that it will protect me from sunlight. He made some witch who was his friend make the ring.

"All I ever wanted in my life was to be happy for the rest of my life. Get scholarship with being the captain of the football team. Then work on some music and get a life. Now I don't think it will ever happen.",I said to Stefan.

"Hey hey you can make it happen but you are right it's not the same. It will never be the same but don't give up like that. You decided to come here with Cheryl. You didn't wanted to die in the light. See there was a tiny bit in your heart that wanted to survive. So now make it work. You can still have the life you want Archie.",Stefan said assuring me as I nodded​ slowly as Damon huffed again.

"Don't you have somewhere else to go? I mean Elena?",Damon tilted his head as Stefan started getting angry.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have girls to bang?",Stefan fought back as Damon rolled his eyes.

"Once again it was always Stefan.",Damon sang and walked out.

"So what now?",I asked.

"You can go back. But remember Archie you can't hurt anyone. Control your emotions as I taught you to. Cheryl will keep an eye on you.",Stefan said.

"Okay. Thank you Stefan. I mean it man. I owe you one.",I shook his hand as I smiled slightly.


After that I grabbed my stuff including the stakes and made my way home.


Veronica's POV 6:15 PM

"Honey what's wrong?", Mom asked patting my back while she sat with me on the couch.

"Mom can I ask you something?",I said playing with my pearls.

"What honey?",she said worryingly.

"Mom you knew there are many attacks which are not caused by animals but vampires. You knew Mom. People died because of them,because of Jason. Why didn't you do anything?",I argued back.

"Veronica there is a reason why I am doing this.",she closed her eyes in distress.

"What is the reason to why you are letting people die?Huh?Answer me?",I raised my voice.

Mom said loudly,"I did it all to protect our family. If we practiced magic to hunt vampires,they would track us down and and they will force us to leash something which is dangerous for the whole world."

I got confused,"What?"

She replied,"They are searching for us,hunting us from years,ancestor by ancestor."

"Who Mom?",I asked leaving my pearls.

"Other witches. They want us to unleash powerful power,the power is on the middle of living and dead so it can make contact with the real world and talk with other witches. The power needs us to bring it here. And we can't do that. Many people will die. So now if we practice serious magic to hunt vampires the witches will sense it and they will come for us. They will force us to unleash it and then we all die.",She tried hard to make me understand.

I let out a sigh in distress,"Why us Mom?"

"Because we were the ones who locked it a thousand years ago.",she replied.


Betty's POV 7:30 PM

"Are you sure you want to come?",Jughead asked.

"I am pretty sure I wanna do this. I can help.",I argued back.

We were going to the Crimson bar where people in it were reported dead at 5:30 PM. The bodies are still not removed so now we are gonna take a look and see if its the magic's dirty work or something related to that or not. Maybe I can sense something out,just maybe. I knew jack about magic. Seriously. But maybe I can come handy. MAYBE.

Jughead wore a black T-shirt and a denim jacket with a weird cap on. He didn't look like he was a thousand years but a normal teenager.

"You look modernised well from this generation.",I said staring at his cap or beanie whatever.

He chuckled,"Yeah I didn't get time to mix with my past years,assuming my brother stabbed me for 900 years."

I chuckled back,"Why?"

"Let's just say. I didn't want to live with him. I wanted to stop. Our father was hunting Klaus. He was running from him and so did we. He wanted to keep us reunited so that he will be stronger and father wouldn't come near us. And a century was passed while we ran with him. And I was sick of it. I couldn't take it anymore. So I tried running away. Klaus must have thought that if I run , my siblings would run too and if if we all ran he would be alone. So instead he stabbed me in my heart temporarily to fear my siblings. My dad died. When Freya woke up she wanted the family reunited. So now here I am.",Jughead rushed.

'I am sorry Jughead.',I said. It must be really awful to having your own family do that to you.

"Now if your questions are fulfilled can we go to the bar and see what the hell is going on now?",he raised his hands up.

"I think we are already here.",I pointed to the bar taped with the crime scene writing.


Hello lovelies,

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Next chapter coming sooner.


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